
SocialPipeline 11/12/2008 (p.m.)

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    • 待会要坐火车 这是和science老师的聊天的podcast  主要是围绕选择什么工具 便于传播 年会后教师继续交流 捕捉背后的声音 我一直以来就很喜欢podcast 可以就ISSAC提出的三个问题去集中采访一些不能够来参加年会的老师(个人认为这三个问题对于基层老师来说有点大)。  建议修改成为更为草根的话语)。
  • 所以那个真实的笑话:Fareed Zakaria,“你最喜欢的网站是什么?“;温家宝,“我浏览许多网站。”

    tags: 民主, 选举, 大选

    • 在上周那决定历史的投票结束后不到24小时里,奥巴马的交接团队推出了change.gov网站,承诺此将成为最新消息,活动和宣告的来源地并因此获悉参与奥巴马的决策过程。
    • 作为总统候选人,在MySpace.com他比他的共和党竞争对手、参议员麦凯恩拥有4倍多的好友。而在Facebook奥巴马有将近300万支持者,并拥有约10亿的e-mail地址庞大数据库。
    • 最近由皮尤研究中所做的调查发现有33%的人从互联网上获取大部分消息2008年总统竞选信息,而在2004年比例仅在10%
  • tags: cnbloggercon

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    • 中國大陸輿論反映

      該片放映對象本是其日本觀眾。但由於受到網友將其備註中文字幕發佈到中國網站上。使其在中國備受矚目。《激流中國》在中國網路上剛開始時並沒有引發任何的議論。但當時中國雅虎搜索就將其列入「敏感關鍵字」,從而使使用中國雅虎無法查詢到《激流中國》的任何相關結果。[4]之後由於NHK的一系列關於中國的紀錄片所造成的轟動與《激流中國》自身揭示中國社會現狀、中國網友看後發表大量感言,引發中國政府的強烈關注;隨後至今《激流中國》在中國任何一搜索引擎中都查詢不到任何訊息。[5][6]但使用相關的關鍵字還是可以,例如「激流 NHK」。而中國的各部落格也均例為封鎖字詞當中。大量的部落格無法瀏覽或其相關內容被管理員回收刪除。(但若以繁體中文「激流中國」在中國雅虎搜尋的話,則可以搜尋到相關資料)(詳細參見金盾工程[來源請求]



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    • The Maluku Islands (also known as the Moluccas, Moluccan Islands, the Spice Islands or simply Maluku) are an archipelago in Indonesia, and part of the larger Malay Archipelago. They are located on the Australian Plate, lying east of Sulawesi (Celebes), west of New Guinea, and north of Timor. The islands were also historically known as the "Spice Islands" by the Chinese and Europeans, but this term has also been applied to other islands.
    • The situation in much of Maluku became highly unpredictable when religious-nuance conflict erupted in the province in January 1999. The subsequent 18 months were characterized by fighting between largely local groups of Muslims and Christians, the destruction of thousands of houses, the displacement of approximately 500,000 people, the loss of thousands of lives, and the segregation of Muslims and Christians.[7] The following 12 months saw periodic eruptions of violence, which appeared more targeted and premeditated, which helped keep suspicions high and people segregated (although these experiences were generally the norm). In spite of numerous negotiations and the signing of a peace agreement in February 2002, tensions on Ambon remained high until late 2002, when an increasingly stable peace led to a series of spontaneous 'mixings' between previously hostile groups.
  • Secularism

    tags: Secularism, Politics, Religious

  • tags: cnbloggercon

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    • Wendy Seltzer is a Visiting Practitioner in Residence at American
      University Washington College of Law, researching intellectual
      property, privacy, and free expression online. As a Fellow with
      Harvard's Berkman Center for
      Internet & Society
      , Wendy founded and leads the Chilling Effects
      , helping Internet users to understand their rights
      in response to cease-and-desist threats. She serves on the Board of
      Directors of Tor, promoting privacy and anonymity research, education,
      and technology.
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    • 近期互联网舆论场中的官民商互动与往常有异。其中的案例包括深圳海事局林嘉祥涉嫌猥亵少女事件、重庆出租车司机罢工事件、哈尔滨糖果酒吧六警斗殴杀人事件。他的看法是:“我们已经进入到和付费评论和付费真相共存的时代,在网络上甄别信息真假的难度空前提高。”
  • 中国已经自己封闭了在这方面的共同努力

    tags: Tusnami, Disaster

    • DART early warning buoy
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    • 陈水扁

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
