
SocialPipeline 05/30/2012 (p.m.)

  • tags: Entropy Sharism

    • However, Vaccaro and Barnett have shown that an energy cost can be fully avoided by using a reservoir based on something other than energy, such as spin angular momentum. Subatomic particles have spin angular momentum, a quantity that, like energy, must be conserved. Basically, instead of heat being exchanged between a qubit and thermal reservoir, discrete quanta of angular momentum are exchanged between a qubit and spin reservoir. The scientists described how repeated logic operations between the qubit’s spin and a secondary spin in the zero state eventually result in both spins reaching the logical zero state. Most importantly, the scientists showed that the cost of erasing the qubit’s memory is given in terms of the quantity defining the logic states, which in this case is spin angular momentum and not energy.


    • The results could also apply to hypothetical Carnot heat engines, which operate at maximum efficiency. If these engines use angular momentum reservoirs instead of thermal reservoirs, they could generate angular momentum effort instead of mechanical work.


    • We are saying that the reason it is physical has a broader context than that.”

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


SocialPipeline 05/28/2012 (p.m.)

    • What are amino acids? Amino acids are small molecules made up of atoms of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and hydrogen. To make a protein, the amino acids are joined in an unbranched chain, like a line of people holding hands. Just as the line of people has their legs and feet "hanging" off the chain, each amino acid has a small group of atoms (called a sidechain) sticking off the main chain (backbone) that connects them all together. There are 20 different kinds of amino acids, which differ from one another based on what atoms are in their sidechains. These 20 amino acids fall into different groups based on their chemical properties: acidic or alkaline, hydrophilic (water-loving) or hydrophobic (greasy).

      • Amylase starts the process of breaking down starch from food into forms the body can use.
      • Alcohol dehydrogenase transforms alcohol from beer/wine/liquor into a non-toxic form that the body uses for food.
      • Hemoglobin carries oxygen in our blood.
      • Fibrin forms a scab to protect cuts as they heal.
      • Collagen gives structure and support to our skin, tendons, and even bones.
      • Actin is one of the major proteins in our muscles.
      • Growth hormone helps regulate the growth of children into adults.
      • Potassium channels help send signals through the brain and other nerve cells.
      • Insulin regulates the amount of sugar in the blood and is used to treat diabetes.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


SocialPipeline 05/27/2012 (p.m.)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


SocialPipeline 05/25/2012 (p.m.)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


SocialPipeline 05/24/2012 (a.m.)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


SocialPipeline 05/21/2012 (a.m.)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


SocialPipeline 05/19/2012 (a.m.)

    • In the study, the investigators also suggest how the widely used pain drug Lyrica might work. The alpha 2 delta protein is the target of this drug and the new work suggests an approach to how other drugs could be developed that effectively turn particular neurotransmitter signals on and off to treat neurological disorders.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

SocialPipeline 05/18/2012 (p.m.)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


SocialPipeline 05/18/2012 (a.m.)

    •     这个饮食指南明确提到:“中国人每天的参考食谱是:六两粮食四两肉,六两蔬菜一两油,一两鸡蛋二两鱼,半斤水果一斤奶。根据家庭结构特点,不同家庭的食谱可以有所调整。中国人均每天营养标准的参考值是:营养供应3300大卡,其中,植物营养2300大卡、动物营养1000大卡,动物营养占30%;蛋白质100 克、脂肪150克;粮食300克、蔬菜300克、水果250克、植物油50克;肉食200克、奶类500克、鱼类100克、蛋类50克”。如果按照这样的指南进行饮食,依照此营养指南饮食,中国肥胖人口五年内可以增加100%,糖尿病、心血管病、高血压、高血脂可以增加50%以上。


    •     2)我建议:两杯奶大约350克-400克已经不少了(国内外都有争议,我认为如此)。


Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

SocialPipeline 05/17/2012 (p.m.)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


SocialPipeline 05/17/2012 (a.m.)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

SocialPipeline 05/16/2012 (p.m.)

    • 新加坡近年来的外国移民人数激增,目前已经占全国劳动人口的三分之一左右,当局为此面对公众越来越大的不满,去年大选时执政党的支持率跌至1965年独立以来最低。


    • Three principal causes of unhappiness -- the sinner, the narcissist, and   the meglomaniac. Sinner is always victim of his own disapproval.   Narcissist is self absorbed and is incapable of meaningful relationships   like women whose only interest is in getting men to love them and then   lose interest. Meglomaniac wishes to be powerful rather than charming
    • Fiber is defined as material made by plants that is not digested by the human gastrointestinal tract. Fiber is one of the mainstays in the treatment of constipationthough it also may have additional uses such as the treatment of diverticular disease of  the colon. Many types of fiber bind to water and  keep the water within the intestine. The fiber and water adds bulk  (volume) to the stool, and the water softens the stool. Increased gas (flatulence)is a common side effect of high-fiber diets. The gas occurs because bacteria  within the colon, unlike the intestine of humans, are capable of digesting fiber to a small extent. The bacteria produce gas as a by-product of their digestion of fiber.


Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.




SocialPipeline 05/05/2012 (a.m.)

    • 与这些偶发事件相伴的,还有某种凭借教育与流行文化广泛传播的系统的种族主义话语,这种话语常常掺杂在民族主义中。如周口店成为百个爱国主义教育基地之一;《河殇》中通过黑眼睛黑头发黄皮肤的生物学特征与血统的纯洁来塑造中国人的身份;侯德健的《龙的传人》中“黑眼睛黑头发黄皮肤,永永远远是龙的传人”同样将生理特征与图腾崇拜结合乃至成为百首爱国主义歌曲之一;王力宏基于美国出生的身份对《龙的传人》的翻唱与演绎;谢霆锋为庆祝申奥成功创作的《黄种人》所受的热捧等。作为商业策略,这些海外歌星的“爱国朝贡”为种族主义言说和民族主义意识形态相结合提供了捷径。


Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.