
SocialPipeline 05/28/2012 (p.m.)

    • What are amino acids? Amino acids are small molecules made up of atoms of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and hydrogen. To make a protein, the amino acids are joined in an unbranched chain, like a line of people holding hands. Just as the line of people has their legs and feet "hanging" off the chain, each amino acid has a small group of atoms (called a sidechain) sticking off the main chain (backbone) that connects them all together. There are 20 different kinds of amino acids, which differ from one another based on what atoms are in their sidechains. These 20 amino acids fall into different groups based on their chemical properties: acidic or alkaline, hydrophilic (water-loving) or hydrophobic (greasy).

      • Amylase starts the process of breaking down starch from food into forms the body can use.
      • Alcohol dehydrogenase transforms alcohol from beer/wine/liquor into a non-toxic form that the body uses for food.
      • Hemoglobin carries oxygen in our blood.
      • Fibrin forms a scab to protect cuts as they heal.
      • Collagen gives structure and support to our skin, tendons, and even bones.
      • Actin is one of the major proteins in our muscles.
      • Growth hormone helps regulate the growth of children into adults.
      • Potassium channels help send signals through the brain and other nerve cells.
      • Insulin regulates the amount of sugar in the blood and is used to treat diabetes.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
