
SocialPipeline 05/31/2011 (p.m.)

    • 我相信,大学精神的本质,并不是为了让我们变得深奥,而恰恰是恢复人类的天真。天真的人,才会无穷无尽地追问关于这个世界的道理、关于自然、关于社会。大学要造就的,正是达尔文的天真、爱因斯坦的天真、黑格尔的天真、顾准的天真,也就是那些“成熟的人”不屑一顾的“呆子气”。“成熟的人”永远是在告诉你:存在的就是合理的,而合理的就是不必追究的,不必改变的。


Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


SocialPipeline 05/30/2011 (p.m.)

  • tags: SharismBook

    • When people turn on WEP or WPA encryption for their networks deliberately, there are two common reasons: a desire to prevent their neighbors from "free riding" on their connections; and a fear that unencrypted WiFi is a security or privacy risk. Both of those reasons have a degree of legitimacy, but neither of them changes the fact that we would be better off if there were more open networks. Also, both of these problems could be solved without password locking our networks. What we need, instead, is to develop and deploy better WiFi protocols.


  • tags: SharismBook

    • Social influence effect: Social influence diminishes group diversity without diminishing the collective error. Typical examples of experimental sessions for three information conditions, displaying five individual responses. Image (c) PNAS, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1008636108


  • tags: SharismBook

    • The latest findings extend the effects of disbelieving to a more basic physical level. Whether there’s a relationship between free will, motor activity and more complex behaviors is yet to be determined, but “abstract belief systems might have a much more fundamental effect than previously thought,” wrote the researchers.
  • tags: SharismBook

    • However, Lal believes that it could be possible to build simple feedback systems into micro- or nanomechanical devices. In that case, such systems could become a ready source of onboard energy and more. Lal says that feedback to counteract Brownian motion could squelch the vibration-induced noise that plagues sensors or efficiently guide nanoparticles through nanoscale pores and channels where Brownian motion would otherwise randomize the flow.


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    •  科技日报2010年11月16日头版有篇名为《科学家首次将信息转化为能量》的文章,文中介绍了日本的一项研究,研究人员在实验室中让一个纳米小球沿电场制造的“阶梯”向上爬动,爬上一层后利用电场能量在那层阶梯上加一堵墙,使之落不下来,该小球就会越爬越高,从而势能也越来越大。与上一个人造分子机器类似,这同样也是一个熵减过程实验,其主要贡献是纳米尺度上的精密控制新技术。



  • tags: SharismBook

    •   这是“麦克斯韦妖”第一次在实验中实现。1871年,麦克斯韦提出了“麦克斯韦妖”设想:一个绝热容器被分成相等的两格,中间是由一种机制控制的一扇活板门,容器中的空气分子做无规则热运动时会撞击门,门则可以选择性地将速度较快的分子(温度较高)放入其中一格,将速度较慢的分子(温度较低)放入另一格,这样,两格的温度就会一高一低。麦克斯韦认为,整个过程中使用的能量就是“分子是热的还是冷的”这一信息。


Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


SocialPipeline 05/29/2011 (a.m.)

  • Geert Vanden Wijngaert European foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, left, talks with Sweden's Foreign Minister Carl Bildt at the start of an EU Foreign Ministers meeting at the EU Council in Brussels, Monday May 23, 2011. (AP Photo/Geert Vanden Wijngaert)
    When Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt couldn't reach his counterpart in Bahrain by traditional means of communication, he turned to Twitter.
    "Trying to get in touch with you on an issue," Bildt tweeted to Khalid bin Ahmed Al Khalifa early Thursday.
    A shout-out on Twitter _ is this the future of diplomacy?
    "It shows that in the modern world you can seek contact in modern ways," Bildt told The Associated Press.
    Many politicians and diplomats worldwide have already embraced social media as a tool to communicate with the public _ Bildt and others tweeted prolifically Thursday about the arrest of war crimes fugitive Ratko Mladic.
    But they don't typically communicate among each other that way.
    So was Bildt's mission to find Al Khalifa on Twitter successful?
    "Yep," Bildt said. Al Khalifa saw his tweet _ Bildt's 1,000th _ and got in touch with the Swede, who noted that social media isn't the only way he contacts his peers: "I know which ones are on Twitter."
    With nearly 32,000 followers, Al Khalifa is something of a Twitter celebrity in his Persian Gulf nation. Many of his tweets during Bahrain's pro-democracy uprisings reflected the Al Khalifa monarchy's viewpoint. But others have contained shout-outs to fellow diplomats, a mother's day greeting and even the occasional travel snapshot.

    tags: SharismBook

    • "Trying to get in touch with you on an issue," Bildt tweeted toKhalid bin Ahmed Al Khalifa early Thursday.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


SocialPipeline 05/28/2011 (a.m.)

    • February 1st, 2001, I returned from a PR tour. It was my mother's birthday and that night I was busy trying to find a way to tape Jeopardy! after she called saying she saw my name mentioned on it. Later, reading Dave Winer's site before bed, I saw a posting about problems at Evan's company, Pyra. I read Evan's heartfelt story "And Then There Was One". I was really moved. This was the type of stuff I couldn't write during our tough days at Software Arts.
  • tags: SharismBook

    • The direct conversion of skin cells to neurons contrasts with similar research that first transforms skin cells to a pluripotent, or developmentally flexible, state and then coaxes them to become neurons or other specialized cells. A separate team of Stanford researchers recently used this technique to generate patient-specific neurons from a woman with Parkinson’s disease. However, that process is labor-intensive and relies on cell lines that may not fully reflect the cell-to-cell diversity that occurs in a natural population. Wernig emphasized that it is important to continue to explore both research techniques.

    • The co-founders were Evan Williams and Meg Hourihan, and the company's first product, also named 'Pyra', was a web application which would combine a project manager, contact manager, and to-do list. In 1999, while still in beta, the rudiments of Pyra were repurposed into an in-house tool which became Blogger. The service was made available to the public in August 1999. Much of this coding was done by Paul Bausch and Matthew Haughey.

    • In 2002, Blogger was completely re-written in order to license it to other companies, the first of which was Globo of Brazil.

    • In 2002, Blogger was completely re-written in order to license it to other companies, the first of which was Globo of Brazil.

  • tags: SharismBook

    • A fantastic essay by Evan Williams about recent events at Pyra. "It really breaks my heart to see the group of awesome people that I was so damn proud of having assembled break apart, feeling beaten and with dreams unrealized."
  • tags: SharismBook

  • tags: SharismBook

    • So as he sits in his apartment and blogs, Williams finds himself in an odd place. He's running a company that's more popular and growing faster than he could have possibly imagined. It's also flat broke. Several weeks earlier, Williams had written a post that begged users to donate money to keep the servers running. It worked: He raised more than $10,000 in $10 and $20 money transfers made through PayPal. Now he's got to figure out how to save the company. Writing the blog post, which he titles "And Then There Was One," he describes the layoff, wishes his former employees well--"Hopefully our friendships will survive"--and then finally addresses his customers: "I'm still fighting the good fight," he writes. "The product, user base, brand, and vision are still somewhat intact. Amazingly. Thankfully. In fact, I'm actually in surprisingly good shape. I'm optimistic. (I'm always optimistic.) And I have many, many ideas. (I always have many ideas.)"

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


SocialPipeline 05/27/2011 (a.m.)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.



SocialPipeline 05/24/2011 (p.m.)

    • The word "China" is derived from Cin (چین), a Persian name for China popularized in Europe by Marco Polo.[13][14] The first recorded use in English dates from 1555.[15] In early usage, "china" as a term for porcelain was spelled differently from the name of the country, the two words being derived from separate Persian words.[16] Both these words are derived from the Sanskrit word Cīna (चीन),[16] used as a name for China as early as AD 150.[17]

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


SocialPipeline 05/24/2011 (a.m.)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

SocialPipeline 05/23/2011 (p.m.)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


SocialPipeline 05/20/2011 (p.m.)

    • China’s government launched the scheme in 2002 in a bid to restore public confidence after a scandal involving blood donations for profit left at least 250,000 innocent people infected with HIV in the 1990s.

    • 鬼子进城比鬼子进村可怕得多


Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


SocialPipeline 05/20/2011 (a.m.)

    • NXP半导体公司和Green Wave公司宣布推出GreenChip智能照明产品,给予每个灯泡一个IPv6地址,允许消费者利用联网设备监视、控制和管理每个灯泡,通过无线网络根据消费者需要关闭和打开单个灯泡。智能灯采用兼容IEEE802.15.4的单芯片收发器,支持Zigbee和JenNet等灯泡管理软件,支持通过iPhone/Android/Web管理。
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    • 現場的武漢大學保安與學校職員與抗議者發生了衝突,有十餘人追出,準備抓住扔鞋的抗議者,但在在場學者的阻攔下,此人仍然順利離開現場。扔鞋的抗議者離開武漢大學後,有在場學生尾隨其離開,並給他買了一雙拖鞋。而在場的學生則對鞋子拍照留念。

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Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

SocialPipeline 05/19/2011 (p.m.)

    • Hunt-Grubbe broached the subject of race and intelligence. Watson did not say in his memoir that race was a factor in his hypothesis of divergence of intellect between geographically isolated populations. The following is a transcript of that part of the interview: 'He says that he is “inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa” because “all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours – whereas all the testing says not really”, and I know that this “hot potato” is going to be difficult to address. His hope is that everyone is equal, but he counters that “people who have to deal with black employees find this not true”. He says that you should not discriminate on the basis of colour, because “there are many people of colour who are very talented, but don’t promote them when they haven’t succeeded at the lower level”. He writes that “there is no firm reason to anticipate that the intellectual capacities of peoples geographically separated in their evolution should prove to have evolved identically. Our wanting to reserve equal powers of reason as some universal heritage of humanity will not be enough to make it so”'.[59] Though other publications noted that the paper had '[kept] the profile sympathetic and place[d] the comments at the end of the piece',[60] the article was a public relations disaster for Watson. The Sunday Times Magazine editor Cathy Galvin noted, "It was important the reader understood Charlotte's relationship with Watson and her regard for him before exploring the explosive and unscientific territory of his opinions and history of statements about women, race, and abortion which have stirred so much controversy in the past."[60]

    • She called him 'an extraordinary man', adding: 'He's honest, he's sensitive, he's sincere. And he is gracious with every bone in his body.'

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


SocialPipeline 05/19/2011 (a.m.)

    • 作为音乐界的前辈,高晓松给人的形象一向都是正气凛然、敢作敢当的。早前,谈及“药家鑫案”(西安音乐学院大三学生药家鑫,于2010年10月20日深夜,驾车撞人后又将伤者刺了八刀致其死亡,此后驾车逃逸至郭杜十字路口时再次撞伤行人,逃逸时被附近群众抓获),高晓松在其微博中表示,连生命都漠视的人谈何爱音乐,“朋友问我怎么看药家鑫案?我说即便他活着出来,也会被当街撞死,没死干净也会被补几刀。人类全部的历史告诉我们:有法有天时人民奉公守法,无法无天时人民替天行道。至于有人能一手遮天,那纯属杞人忧天。另外鉴于西安音乐学院学生集体支持药家鑫,今后音乐界将不接受他们,生命都漠视的人会爱音乐吗?”

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


SocialPipeline 05/17/2011 (a.m.)

    • Today, Homeland Security Advisor John Brennan and I were joined by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Attorney General Eric Holder, Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke, Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano and Deputy Secretary of Defense Bill Lynn in announcing this landmark document’s release, here at the White House. The event was streamed live on WhiteHouse.gov, and you can view it here starting this evening.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


SocialPipeline 05/15/2011 (p.m.)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


SocialPipeline 05/14/2011 (p.m.)

    • Slotine and his co-authors applied their model to dozens of real-life networks, including cell-phone networks, social networks, the networks that control gene expression in cells and the neuronal network of the C. elegans worm. For each, they calculated the percentage of points that need to be controlled in order to gain control of the entire system.

    • Next, the researchers figured out what determines the number of driver nodes, which is unique to each network. They found that the number depends on a property called "degree distribution," which describes the number of connections per node.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


SocialPipeline 05/03/2011 (a.m.)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

SocialPipeline 05/02/2011 (p.m.)

    • Earlier this evening, President Obama called to inform me that American forces killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of the al Qaeda network that attacked America on September 11, 2001. I congratulated him and the men and women of our military and intelligence communities who devoted their lives to this mission. They have our everlasting gratitude. This momentous achievement marks a victory for America, for people who seek peace around the world, and for all those who lost loved ones on September 11, 2001. The fight against terror goes on, but tonight America has sent an unmistakable message: No matter how long it takes, justice will be done.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.