
SocialPipeline 03/31/2012 (p.m.)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


SocialPipeline 03/18/2012 (p.m.)

    • But I will also argue here that the neurological turn against, in particular, networked media comprises part of a ‘neural’ continuum in which the technics of contemporary media are more and more imbricated. This continuum stakes out a more generalized uptake of the neural as a means for extending a kind of symbiosis between new forms of software, computational architecture and soft ‘thought’. As it turns out, the recent push toward developing a general and global ‘artificial intelligence’ to accompany and ultimately overtake online search by networked corporations such as Google, also turns toward the neural. As George Dyson revealed as far back as 2005 after visiting Google HQ in Mountain View, the corporation had already begun its quest to capture the world’s data in order to build a form of distributed artificial intelligence: “We are not scanning all those books to be read by people,” explained one of my hosts after my talk. “We are scanning them to be read by an AI.”11 This may seem a long way from fears about the internet rewiring the brain. Yet, I want to suggest, it occupies part of a broad neural spectrum that pervades networked media research and development. A neural spectrum in which, at one end, it is asserted that our media rot our brains; and, at the other, a more subtle insertion, in which networked media interstitially territorialise circuits of thought and action. Google’s shift from search to AI, pre-empted in 2005 and announced more formally by Eric Schmidt Google’s CEO in 2010, stakes a claim over a new space for soft thought.12


Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.



SocialPipeline 03/14/2012 (p.m.)

    •   Peter Thiel通过资助保护新闻记者委员会(Committee to Protect Journalists)、Seasteading学会、人权基金会(Human Rights Foundation)来推动自由理念。他投资了人工智能Singularity学院(Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence)的人工智能研究。同时,他通过奥斯陆自由论坛(Oslo Freedom Forum)和哲学家René Girard的研究对反暴力工作进行了资助,René Girard的研究成果在Imitatio上获得公布和推广。


Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


SocialPipeline 03/13/2012 (p.m.)

    •   百度、新浪、搜狐等一大批网络领军企业在北京的聚集,使北京成为带动和辐射全国的网络文化平台和阵地。截至2010年年底,北京地区拥有网站28万家,占全国网站数量的14.8%,规模以上的26家。全球浏览量排名前100名的网站全国共有10家,北京占7家。北京地区网民数量1218万人,互联网普及率达69.4%。
    •   北京26家规模以上的网站中,除千龙网、首都之窗、北青网外,其余23家均为商业网站。据统计,截止到目前,北京地区26家主要网站中,千龙网、首都之窗、百度、新浪、优酷、空中信使、开心网、奇虎、第一视频新闻网9家建立了党组织,其中新浪和百度为党委。北京地区主要网站共有党员2068人,主要集中在大网站中,其中百度一家网站的党员人数就有975人。北京地区主要网站党员结构的突出特点是“两多一高一快”,即年轻人多、普通员工多,学历高,流动快。比如,在职位结构上,高层管理人员仅占2.2%,普通员工占69.8%。
  • tags: Diversity

    • 根据生物学家很有把握的估计数字,地球上微生物个体总量约为1000的10次方——也就是1后面30个零。它们大部分是细菌,但没人清楚到底有多少物种或品系,也没人清楚它们在地球上是如何分布的。人们在实验室中只描绘出了很小一部分微生物物种的特性,实验室培养出的微生物物种同样只占很小一部分。


Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


SocialPipeline 03/13/2012 (a.m.)

    • 台湾在去年3·11东日本大地震后捐献日本约200亿美元的援助金,是日本收到最大的外国或地区的单独捐款。不过去年日本向各国登报道谢援助时,没在台湾登报道谢,一度引起了台湾民众和日本亲台议员的不满,后来前首相菅直人另外写信致谢才平息了日台间的不满。


Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


SocialPipeline 03/08/2012 (p.m.)

  • tags: Sharism

    • Here’s how it works: An AmEx cardholder can sign in with Twitter to sync her account — a must-complete first step for savings. The customer is then eligible to tweet any of the current hashtag offers to receive savings that are automatically applied with each eligible purchase. No coupon, print or otherwise, is required.


      Should you tweet with the “#AmexWholeFoods” hashtag, for instance, you’d get $20 back on your next trip to Whole Foods, as long as you spend $75 or more at the high-end grocery store before April 30.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


SocialPipeline 03/05/2012 (p.m.)

    • A related economic model is proposed by Thomas Homer-Dixon and by Charles Hall in relation to our declining productivity of energy extraction, or Energy Return on Energy Invested or EROEI. This measures the amount of surplus energy a society gets from using energy to obtain energy.


    • An EROEI of more than ~3, then, is what appears necessary to provide the energy for societally important tasks, such as maintaining government, legal and financial institutions, a transportation infrastructure, manufacturing, building construction and maintenance and the life styles of the rich and poor that a society depends on.
  • tags: Entropy

    • What is the  Second Law of Thermodynamics? In any spontaneous  process there is always an increase of entropy in the  universe (system plus surroundings). A process is  spontaneous if the result is an increase in disorder.  Cigarette smoke, from the tip of a lit cigarette can be  detected from room to room, across the restaurant, in  seconds. This is because the odiferous combustion  molecules spontaneously distribute themselves to a state  of disorder. You cannot spontaneously reverse the process  and force them all back into the cigarette. The process  goes only one way.


Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


SocialPipeline 03/04/2012 (p.m.)

    • 写日记就是自我表现,准备被伯乐“发现”。那时的英雄都有一本日记:记录自己学习毛泽东思想狠斗私字,灵魂深处爆发革命,脱离低级趣味,成为革命战士的过程。那样做,是怀有出人头地的梦想:期待出现奇迹,从而改变命运。“雷锋日记”既出,一个私密的文体便沦落为一个无耻的婊子,人们被迫泯灭自己的内心生活,把一颗扭曲的心交给了魔鬼。


    • 在他死后50年后,当局高调重振学雷锋运动,是企图用“雷锋精神”替代信仰缺失,安慰感觉冰冷的人群,让他们重新回到感恩的戏剧情境中去,舍不得离开即将倾覆的泰坦尼克号巨轮。


    • 政治不文明,则社会无道德。


Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


SocialPipeline 03/03/2012 (p.m.)

    • Babies do have plenty of neurons. More than adults. The brain is the only organ of the body that starts off big and gets smaller as unused neurons die off. Babies may have a 100 times more neurons than you do. However, a baby’s brain lacks connectivity. It lacks neural pathways. These have to be built up over a lot of time and a lot of repetition.


Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


SocialPipeline 03/03/2012 (a.m.)

  • tags: Brain memory

    • Each time an animal cell divides, the protective telomere “cap” gets shorter. When they get too short, the cell loses its ability to renew and divide. In an immortal animal, we would therefore expect cells to be able to maintain telomere length indefinitely so that they can continue to replicate. Aboobaker predicted that planarian worms actively maintain the ends of their chromosomes in adult stem cells, leading to theoretical immortality.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.