To Fight Drug Addiction, Researchers Target the Brain with Nanoparticles
- Scientists in UB's Institute for Lasers, Photonics and Biophotonics and UB's Department of Medicine have developed a stable nanoparticle that delivers short RNA molecules in the brain to "silence" or turn off a gene that plays a critical role in many kinds of drug addiction.
A Chinese Pirate Unmasks: Letter from China: Online Only: The New Yorker
- But the essay is a more subtle piece of work than you might think: A tip from a Chinese friend led me to contact Wang Hongzhe, a twenty-five-year-old graduate student in mass communication at Peking University, who acknowledged that he is the reputed Steven Zuckerberg. (He chose the initials S.Z. as a nod to shanzhai, the Chinese term for “imitation.”) His essay was an experiment: Would China respond differently to criticism from abroad than it would to criticism from homeàIt’s a long-running question that gets to the heart of China’s erratic appetite for dissent, and the same question that vexed Lu Xun, the famous social critic, who wrote seventy-five years ago: “Throughout the ages Chinese have had only one way of looking at foreigners. We either look up to them as gods or down on them as wild animals.”
- As Wang sees it, people gave more credence to “Zuckerberg”’s appraisal than to “Wang”’s because China spends too much of its time on the hunt for prejudice, only to “find out what this prejudice is based on and give one’s own response or counterattack.” They “feel some kind of invisible threat—that a foreigner might understand China more deeply than ourselves.” It’s a provocative argument, and I’ll be curious to see how comments change once Chinese Web users know that the author was, by design, a knock-off American.
- 现年33岁的英国自由作家保罗·史密斯近日大胆尝试了一项网络社交实验——30天内畅游欧洲、美国和新西兰,并且全程不花一分钱!据悉,保罗靠着在著名迷你博客网站Twitter发帖,便得到全球各地网友的无私帮助,有的提供他火车票,有的提供机票,还有的提供食宿。3月1日,保罗从英国伦敦出发,前往阿姆斯特丹,经过一路旅行,眼下他已经来到新西兰,顺利接近终点。
- 它还将见证我们的恐惧、卑微、屈辱和无自由,
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