钱永健“我不是中国科学家”掌掴了“爱国贼”Z - 孙才古 - 职业日志 - 价值中国网
- 西儒约翰逊说“爱国主义是流氓的最后庇护所”。这句话的道理很浅显,就是流氓都知道“爱国主义”是一张虎皮可以唬人、吓人,是遮挡一切利剑进攻的盾 牌,也是打击他人所向披靡的利剑。因为不论时空如何转换,爱国永远的是没有错的。也正是由于这一点,当“妓女不接日本客”也成为一种爱国行为的时候,爱国 一词就有些走味,这个爱国行为就显得廉价了。
- 我总觉得,一个特别强调“民族主义”的个人,我认为他很难能够真正的投身于科学研究的漫漫征程。也就是说,我认为“钱”本人无论研究能否获奖,他决不会首先考虑他的血缘、民族问题。而他的动力应该来源于为整个人类的进步而奉献。
:: Yellowtag :: consider it found
DNA construction kit self-assembles 3D 'crystals' - tech - 30 January 2008 - New Scientist
- Browser Ball
- Browser Ball attempts, with only moderate success, to allow the configuration of a seemingly endless array of continuous spaces using multiple overlapping browser windows. Within this multivariate space, users are invited to toss a beach ball both hither and yon. If this sounds like a ridiculous use of everyone's time, that's only because it is.
Endless Tweets for Greasemonkey
When I'm catching up, I often read multiple pages of tweets. That requires a lot of clicks on the next page and besides, sometimes it's hard to spot what update did I read last.
This script automatically loads the next page when you approach the bottom of the document. It also does a lot more to improve the user experience on the Twitter.com website (read below for more information).
Students had a choice of 4 different assignments:
create an animation based on a theme from the novel "The Giver";
create a fashion show or a dress-up using colonial american clothing;
create a maze based on an endangered species or animal;
or create a math or dice game.
The Grass Scanner草坪扫描仪 | We need money not art
Andres Monroy-Hernandez | PhD student | MIT Media Lab
- Scratch Online Community. An active website where kids (and some adults) share interactive media, collaborate and express themselves creatively. The project received an Honorary Mention in the Ars Electronica Prix 2008.
Playbill News: Broadway to Dim Its Lights March 19 in Honor of Late Actress Natasha Richardson
- The marquees of the Broadway theatres will be dimmed March 19 at 8 PM for one minute to pay tribute to the late actress Natasha Richardson, who died March 18 following a skiing accident in Montreal.
Time Inc.'s Mine Magazine is a Printed RSS Feed | Sustainability | Fast Company
- The news just keeps getting more personal. Hyper-specialized blogs, RSS feeds, and personalized Google homepages let us focus on what we care about and tune out the rest. Thus far, personalized news has been limited to the Internet, but Time Inc. is bringing it to the printed word with mine, a five-issue, 10-week, experimental magazine that allows readers to select five Time Warner/American Express Co. magazines that Time editors will combine into a personalized magazine with 56 possible combinations. Essentially, mine is a printed, expanded RSS feed. Magazines available to the program include Time, Sports Illustrated, Food & Wine, Real Simple, Money, In Style, Golf, and Travel + Leisure.
Berkshire Encyclopedia of China
- 曾担任旧金山圣安中文学校校长,如今仍在热心从事中文教学的于爱珍,出生于中国大陆,在台湾受完整的中文教育。她表示:终于等到有大陆人士提出恢复正体字,也就是大陆人所说的繁体字。她说,中国的文字是艺术,形成有它的根源:“中国文字的形成是根据‘六书’,一点一横一捺都是有意义的。要简可以,但不能把它的根据去掉了。‘六书’就是:象形、指事、会意、谐声、转注、假借,每一个字都是这么来的。并不像英文的‘书’字‘Book’,完全看不到‘書’的形象。”
- 于爱珍表示,她并不是一概反对汉字简化:“尘土的‘塵’,原来就很难写,现在小土,变成会意。像眼泪的‘淚’,现在三点水一个目,非常好!”她说:她只反对那些没有意义的简化,一些简化字违背了汉字的“六书”原则:“讲最简单的例子,‘鬍子’,它是頭髮的‘髮’,下边一个发音‘胡’,会意跟谐声都在里头。但是现在用古月‘胡’,这个意义就完全不同。”
- 韩国外交界消息星期四表示,2名美国女记者2-3天前在中国图们采访朝鲜难民的过程中,遭到朝鲜边防的逮捕。当时一起进行采访的共有3名美国记者,和一名中国朝鲜族向导,逮捕当时,另一美国记者成功逃脱,剩下的三人被拘禁。据了解,2名女记者分别为韩裔和华裔的美国公民。
- 对于这一问题的解决方案,首尔的朝鲜问题专家认为,不一定不是好事,若能圆满地获得解决,在朝核、导弹、军事演习、和拒绝粮食援助等,错综复杂的朝美关系上,可以成为一个促进顺利谈判的润滑剂。但是,若是山大王绑票式的狮子大开口,不但会浪费难得的机会,反而会弄巧成拙。
- 最高法院工作报告赞成2172票,反对519票,弃权192票;最高检工作报告赞成2210票,反对505票,弃权162票。
The emerging science of DNA cryptography
- DNA computing may not be fast but it is massively parallel. With the right kind of setup, it has the potential to solve huge mathematical problems. It's hardly surprising then, that DNA computing represents a serious threat to various powerful encryption schemes such as the Data Encryption Standard (DES).
BBC 中文网 | 中国报道 | 中国三艘渔政船汇集巡航西沙
- 中国外交部在回应菲律宾总统签署领海基线法所引发的争议时说,"中国对南海诸岛及其附近岛屿拥有无可争辩的主权","中国船只赴南海是执行例行的渔政管理任务"。
- 反垄断审查的目的是保护市场公平竞争,维护消费者利益和社会公共利益。自2008年8月1日《反垄断法》实施以来,商务部收到40起经营者集中申报,依照法律规定立案审查了29起,已审结24起,其中无条件批准23起,对于1起具有排除、限制竞争效果的集中,商务部与申报方进行商谈,申报方提出了减少排除限制竞争的解决方案并作出承诺,商务部附加了减少集中对竞争不利影响的限制性条件批准了该集中。
U.S. v. Microsoft: Current Case
- Review of the Final Judgments by the United States and New York Group (08/30/2007)
- Modified Final Judgment (09/07/2006)
- Court of Appeals Opinion (06/30/2004)
- Final Judgment (11/12/2002)
- Court's Findings of Fact (11/05/1999)
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.