- Research on the human brain—the striving to understand how it works when it’s healthy and when it malfunctions—is one of the supreme challenges facing science and medicine. This is the human body’s most complex organ. And perhaps the most complex structure of all. What can be said with certainty is that it’s our most important organ—after all, it not only controls all of our bodily functions (many of them involuntary and subconscious); it’s also the site of our ego, our conscious mind. This is where our picture of the world materializes, where what our sensory organs perceive turns into experience and insight, into recollection and memory, into personality and character.
Cross-language search: The case of Google Language Tools
- Wall Street Journal 越來越無聊。 - post by ehhsun
- 政府对转世问题的审批流程包括对候选人及其家人背景的调查。Jiao Zai'an说,只有爱国、忠诚的转世者才可能过关。Jiao是藏族人,他说自己并不相信佛教。
- 现年20岁的僧侣Longdu Changzhang说,有位活佛对寺庙来说大有好处。早在封建王朝时期,中国政府就在努力影响西藏最高领袖的甄选,眼下的角力也是这个长篇故事中的最新一章。中国政府的介入程度时强时弱,取决于双方的相对实力和关系的和缓程度。
- 不过,中国政府通过这些重要的转世活佛来增强其正统性的努力大多以失败告终。1999年12月,噶玛巴喇嘛逃离中国,他抱怨说有关部门阻挠他的宗教训导活动。北京支持的班禅喇嘛仍在中国,目前为止尚未获得太多的信众。
- 全国政协委员、财政部副部长廖晓军在接受采访时明确表示:“个税起征点暂时不会调整。”他说,调个税需要很多外部条件,现在外部很多条件不具备。全国政协委员、江苏省社会科学院院长宋林飞接受采访时,对此提出疑问:“你都定了,要我们来干吗?”(3月8日《南方都市报》)
cooltoolsforschools » collaborative tools
101 Killer Open Courseware Projects from Around the World: Ivy League and Beyond | The .Edu Toolbox
- How will you obtain a higher education? Some major headlines in 2009 already play on the fears about how to pay for a higher education. Press releases from colleges want to quell those fears about monies for college, and politicians have introduced legislation to make education more affordable.
- 中国全国人民代表大会和人民政治协商会议于上周在北京开幕。社会各界都视本次大会为中国经济乃至世界经济的希望。就在国际社会将中国这个世界第三大经济体看作潜在的增长引擎的同时,中国政府试图以刺激增长来防止社会动乱。
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.