
SocialPipeline 03/21/2009 (p.m.)

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    • Business ethics can be both a normative and a descriptive discipline. As a corporate practice and a career specialization, the field is primarily normative. In academia descriptive approaches are also taken. The range and quantity of business ethical issues reflects the degree to which business is perceived to be at odds with non-economic social values. Historically, interest in business ethics accelerated dramatically during the 1980s and 1990s, both within major corporations and within academia. For example, today most major corporate websites lay emphasis on commitment to promoting non-economic social values under a variety of headings (e.g. ethics codes, social responsibility charters). In some cases, corporations have redefined their core values in the light of business ethical considerations (e.g. BP's "beyond petroleum" environmental tilt).
  • tags: SocialMedia, Sharism

    • And micro-volunteering isn't the end of it - mobile phones are also being used to tackle unemployment in Kenya and Rwanda. Txteagle is a service that applies Amazon's Mechanical Turk concept to mobile phones. It allows corporations to crowdsource (for a definition, click here) the execution of small tasks to people who would otherwise struggle to access the labour market, provided they have access to a mobile phone. Here's an example of the service in action:
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    • 遭中国政府迫害的著名维权律师高智晟的妻子耿和,带着女儿耿格、儿子耿天宇,逃离中国,于3月11抵达美国,在凤凰城短暂停留后,14日到达纽约。前往机场欢迎的人们,向母子三人献上掌声和鲜花,他们的欢迎标语写着:逃离黑暗,拥抱自由。
    • 耿和是1月9日,在营救人员的帮助下,摆脱跟踪的国安,逃离北京,逃出了中国。“全球营救高智晟联合会”和“高智晟之友会”提供的耿和抵达美国后的讲话录音显示,耿和逃离前,给高智晟留下一张纸条,写道:“除了与孩子逃亡外,我看不到出路。” 耿和说,逃离中国,是一生中最痛苦的决定:“做出走的决定,让我撕心裂肺。高律师他要知道,他应该很欣慰,我带孩子做出这个决定,最起码对他来说是一种解脱。”耿和又说:“从北京走到泰国,16号到达泰国,这一路很惊险,翻山越岭,又过河又过桥的。”
    • 耿和1月9日带着两个孩子逃离中国后,2月4日,高智晟再次被国安绑架,至今渺无音讯。有消息证实:他仍遭受酷刑。伍凡说:“当共产党知道,他的家属离开了中共的迫害,我相信共产党会更疯狂的迫害高智晟。”
  • tags: DigitalNomads

    • An accelerator caches incoming requests for outgoing data (i.e., that which you publish to the world). It takes load away from your HTTP server and internal network. You move the server away from port 80 (or whatever your published port is), and substitute the accelerator, which then pulls the HTTP data from the "real" HTTP server (only the accelerator needs to know where the real server is). The outside world sees no difference (apart from an increase in speed, with luck).
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    • 奥巴马曾在今年1月的一次新闻发布会上敦促伊朗和美国的其它敌人“松开拳头”,他在这次讲话中呼吁伊朗在此基础上更进一步。美国和伊朗的关系长期以来一直紧张,最近几年里,由于西方国家对伊朗核项目的怀疑以及怀疑伊朗支持真主党和哈马斯等伊斯兰激进组织,美伊关系变得更加紧张。
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    • Colloquially, however, 'round-robin' is frequently given an opposite meaning, being used to describe a letter with an author copied and sent to multiple recipients. For example, the sending of family news at Christmas. This is more correctly termed a circular. Also get togethers among friends/neighbors, commonly during the Christmas season, is also called a round-robin.
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