- 下面這篇文章,是兩年多前寫的。起因是美國神經科學學會 2005 年的年會,邀請了達賴喇嘛來談「靜坐的神經科學」,引起許多旅美的中國神經科學家抗議。這樁事件不禁讓我想起,1980 年代初自己在美國當留學生時,也曾為了國內發生的一連串不幸事件,為國府辯護。我想人總要經過一段過程,才會認清什麼是宣傳,什麼是事實。如今身在海外的中國人人數眾多,他們也必定要經過幾回類似的衝擊,才可能出現某些觀念的轉變。
- 學術會議邀請宗教或政治人士演講,確有可議之處;只不過該演講的名目是「與社會對話」,並不算正式的學術演講。這就好比國內經常出現「科學與人文或宗教對話」的活動,大可以平常心看待。然而從許多簽署人的留言可以看出,出身大陸的中國科學家對達賴喇嘛的反感相當強烈,不少人使用了「愚蠢」、「胡鬧」、「完全錯誤」、「他懂什麼神經科學」等強烈字眼,甚至還有人攻擊學會理事長,說他想藉此出風頭。至於最多人提出的反對理由,是說科學與宗教及政治並不相容,故此不宜。
FEED » Blog Archive » Strukt Touches Down For Toca Me
- Rising Voices is swamped with applications for grants each time a round is opened - this time around, David recruited a volunteer evaluation committee from the Global Voices and Rising Voices communities, and today announced five grants to amazing projects: a blogger camp in Abidjan, a project designed to increase contact between Liberians at home and in the diaspora, an ambitious citizen reporting project in Shenyang, an environmental news initiative in Ulaanbaatar, and a women's empowerment project in Yemen. Statistically speaking, not all these initiatives will succeed. But, statistically speaking, there's a decent chance one will emerge as the next FOKO Blog Club, a group of Malagasy bloggers who've emerged as key voices in online coverage of Madagascar’s political crisis.
- Shenyang, literally meaning “the city to the north of Shen River” and capital of the Liaoning province, is touting itself as China’s “next tourist destination.” But whether you are visiting the ancient pagodas of Old City or the official “High-tech Industrial Development Zone” the tourist brochures won’t mention the city’s male and female sex workers who mostly come from poor rural communities in search of talked-up urban opportunities. In partnership with the Ai Zhi Yuan Zhu Center for Health and Education documentary filmmaker Wei Zhang will train male and female sex workers who use the AZYZ center how to maintain a blog and upload short video documentaries to share their experiences, opinions, and troubles in order to promote more understanding of the region’s sex worker population.
FEED » Blog Archive » You, Me, the Panda and the WWF
- Ishiguro's android mimics the roboticist's actions,
with micromovements -- such as shoulders that rise gently to simulate
breathing -- making it difficult to believe Geminoid is a machine.
- Ishiguro, a senior researcher at ATR Intelligent Robotics and Communication Laboratories outside Kyoto, has created a machine in his own image -- a robot that looks and moves exactly like him. It sits on a chair and gazes around the room in a very humanlike fashion, just like its creator. In fact, the robot is an exact duplicate.
- Geminoid can be operated remotely so the robot reproduces the voice, posture and lip movements of Ishiguro, who wears a motion-capture system. A mouseclick raises a hand or finger.
- You can reach Emily through this contact form, through her company, Ideacodes, or through most social networks on the web.
- What’s the wager? What constitutes global-scale meaning and relevance? If not “physical travel,” what’s today’s “X” for “X”ing the World in 80 Days?
- What, for example, is a “telematic window” today? A legendary project from the arts was called Hole-in-Space, produced in 1980 between New York and Los Angeles by the Electronic Café. Two physical sites, one in Lincoln Center and the other in a Century City shopping center, were connected via live satellite (very expensive at the time) to show projected, life-sized television images with live audio in both directions. Hole-in-Space lasted three evenings and—critical to its
concept—was unannounced and unpublicized. An updated version could use global networks from satellite to mobile phone to Internet, and could use 3D and immersive capture and modeling processes, to provide a broad range of possibilities.
- 关于温家宝是否真有信心,我的看法是,去年年底以前的一段时间里,他并非真有信心,这表现在他匆忙提出一个思路陈旧,有很大欺骗成分的4万亿投资计划,企图学当年的朱镕基,靠大规模基础设施投资来维持经济增长。沿海企业大量关闭,尤其是数千万农民工失业回乡的现实,给温家宝和整个中共领导层带来了极大的恐惧,他们意识到,仅靠那个4万亿的投资计划,根本来不及应对急速发展的危机。于是,温家宝急忙以空前的规模增加信贷供给,而不顾这样做的严重后果。
- 我的看法是,温家宝并非出于不得已,而是出于他对一个信念的信心,这个信念就是,以牺牲民生来维持官僚的眼前利益,是确保中国稳定的唯一正确选择,而牺牲官僚利益来保民生则一定是至乱之途。
- 知青們說,儘管姜戎用化名出版了《狼圖騰》,但是他們一看到這本書立即明白了作者就是呂嘉民。比如,他說狼是蒙古族人民的圖騰,蒙古族人民對它崇拜無比,這些都是很荒謬的,事實上蒙古族人見到狼就會打,對狼沒有任何感情。這是我當知青時親眼所見。並且姜戎多次表示書中內容都是真實的故事,這其實是巨大的文化造假。有知青認為,姜戎所謂的狼圖騰,其實就是他自己的圖騰,就是他為人做事的準則。
- 多年前我就认识《狼图腾》的作者。原来我是很尊敬这个人的。都曾在内蒙古牧区插队,都在一打三反运动中给抓了起来,都尝过兵团小牢房的滋味,都是兵团保卫处冯处长审问的,都曾被众叛亲离,让人划清界限……这些相同经历,使我们很有共同语言。在思想解放的岁月,他曾积极热情地投入,成为了民主墙前的常客。他的“人民掌管不了干部,所谓人民当家做主就是一句空话”的观点也激起了我的强烈共鸣。所以我曾把他的一些故事写进我的书《血色黄昏》里。
两位前妻都曾发疯般的爱过此作者,都有一段可歌可泣的爱情,小说一样浪漫传奇, 又均先后被作者喜新厌旧掉,所以两位前妻都对作者由爱转恨。不过我作为旁观者,总觉得该作者虽有毛病,也不能完全否定。他坐过牢,不断受打压,为中国的民主进步干了一些事情。不大赞成作者两任前妻对他穷追猛打。
[Today] They Know Where You Are: Location Privacy in a Mobile World | Berkman Center
- Albert Gidari is a partner at Perkins Coie LLP where he represents a
broad range of companies on privacy, security, Internet, electronic
surveillance and communications law.
Neo-nomad.net » Blog Archive » Pro-Ams
- In this deceptively casual talk, Charles Leadbeater weaves a tight argument that innovation isn’t just for professionals anymore. Passionate amateurs, using new tools, are creating products and paradigms that companies can’t. He describes the rising role of serious amateurs (”Pro-Ams,” as he calls them) through the story of the mountain bike.
- 昨天挪威警方轄下的國安部來電說要見我﹐並說有關內容一定要面對面談﹐拒絕在電話上透露半點。今天他們就來我家。他們說﹐據他們的監控﹐我參與了「零八憲章」的簽署﹐而據他們所知﹐挪威有一些中國人甚至是外國人因參與聲討中國的活動﹐而受到騷擾﹐所以他們要確保我的人身安全。對於他們消息之靈通(須知他們只有450萬人口﹐卻要管理比香港面積約大300倍、跨越緯度10度以上的修長國土﹐人手絕不寬裕)﹐對於挪威政府對國民之體貼﹐能實現中國人幾千年來的幻想—愛民如子﹐我非常感動。
- 就如其他挪威人那樣﹐這兩位警務人員都彬彬有禮的。我認識的其他挪威警察﹐也是極有教養﹐在公眾場合見過的警察﹐也同樣對公眾非常客氣。其實許多在挪威警隊或監獄處工作的紀律部隊人員本身就是相當虔誠的教徒。這裡的監獄也很著力通過神職人員對囚犯講道和教化令其改過遷善。所以﹐我接觸過的警務或監獄人員都極有修養﹐絕非中國的土匪公安或在香港獲公認為「有牌爛仔」的差佬可比。
BBC 中文网 | 中文网主页 | 西藏50年:今生与来世的对抗
- 17日,解放军炮击"罗布林卡"。九十年代我参观"罗布林卡"的时候已经找不到这两枚炮弹留下的痕迹,正如我也没有看到多少达赖喇嘛的遗迹一样。也许,正是这两枚并未造成多大破坏的炮弹,让当时还年轻的达赖坚定了去意,选择了流亡。
- 每年春天,藏族男女会在拉萨河里一起洗浴,祈祷健康。此情此景,任何内地汉人看了都不得不感慨藏人有着和内地"男女大防、授受不亲"完全不同的文化。然而作为多数没有宗教信仰的民族,他们更难以理解的是藏人的精神追求和对来世的看重。
- 中国著名法学教授、政治改革的鼓吹者贺卫方,最近因政治压力而失去工作。本台在上海特约记者曹国兴自上海报道说,中国著名的法学教授、政治改革的积极鼓吹者贺卫方,因政治压力待业在家。 贺卫方几个月前辞去北大教职,拟依约定前往浙江大学主持光华法学院,但浙大校方忽然受到高层政治压力,表示无法接收贺卫方,他现已回到北京家中。
- 在近日的一次学术研讨会上,华东政法大学一教授问贺卫方,"怎么会是这样的结果?不是说浙大法学院是教授治校吗?"贺苦笑着答道:"教授治校?这可能吗?"
- 根据LightInTheBox自己的说法,一位澳大利亚的Winslet影迷在颁奖礼前就预订了这件礼服,并在颁奖礼后72小时内收到了这条山寨礼服。
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.