Poor man's email? (Scripting News)
I'm sure there are others, and as I think of them I'll add to the list.
But one thing I never thought of Twitter as was Poor Man's Email, which is how Google CEO Eric Schmidt described it to analysts yesterday.
HerdictWeb : Site Report : www.youtube.com
- 2004年上半年,原在伙房服刑的犯人谭康贵、李志伟两名犯人在伙房吸毒被伙房干警当场抓获,事后被处以戴脚链并记过,同时调离伙房监区并调入集训监区,但随后不久,监狱方面又先后帮谭康贵、李志伟两犯呈报减刑并成功。(见证犯人:黄轩、李裕才等及当时在伙房服刑的全体犯人)
- Follow @TwitBrain and get served calculations on a regular basis (like 3 per hour). If you’re the first person to reply with the correct answer, you’ll earn one point and hopefully make your way to Internet fame (well, not really) by getting on the top 10 lists.
- BBC报道说,中国网民把维纳斯,还有思想者,都穿上了衣服,因为整治中说了,有隐私部位没有遮掩的,那就是低俗。同性恋的话题不再是热点了,因为整治中说了,描写同性恋及其他变态性行为的,那就是低俗。原来同性恋属于变态性行为的,原来李安一直是个以低俗故事为题材的导演。我们的国家,为了孩子们的发展,真的是付出了很多很多,他们深刻认识到孩子是祖国的希望和未来,我们真的是为之鼓掌撒花。
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.