x design project: » Environmental Health Clinic
- 与林昭(1932-1968)君相识,已经过去了整整半个世纪。那颗罪恶的子弹,已让美丽的生命化为尘土。不过,关于林昭辉耀夜空流星般的坎崎人生,关于她惊醒世人的惨烈冤死,至今依然萦回心中,挥之难去。
- 1957年,我在中国人民大学新闻系6班学习,当班上26名同学有6人被打成右派分子时,我直接找党支部书记于恩光个别谈话,指责他们“率性胡来,伤害好人”,违背了毛主席在最高国务会议上讲话的精神,并愤怒地声明:“自即日起,退出反右运动,坚决与党支部划清界限!”殊不知,此时“引蛇出洞”的“阳谋”已在内部发布,只是普通党团员尚被蒙在鼓里。
- 十年浩劫期间,她以现行反革命罪被捕,关进上海提篮桥监狱。由于不肯认罪,有期变无期,最后被秘密处死。司法人员去她家索要五分钱“子弹费”,家人才知道亲人已经遇害,但不告诉尸体扔在哪里。林昭的冤案平反后,亲友同学为她举行了隆重的追悼会,并在苏州郊外为她建墓立碑。我打听墓地在哪里,打算去祭吊。听说墓中并没有她的骨灰,只有她的一绺头发和她生前用过的一枝钢笔。既然找不到林昭的长眠地,我打消了亲去祭奠的念头。
A Dirty Pun Tweaks China’s Online Censors - NYTimes.com
- A YouTube children’s song about the beast has drawn nearly 1.4 million viewers. A grass-mud horse cartoon has logged a quarter million more views. A nature documentary on its habits attracted 180,000 more. Stores are selling grass-mud horse dolls. Chinese intellectuals are writing treatises on the grass-mud horse’s social importance. The story of the grass-mud horse’s struggle against the evil river crab has spread far and wide across the Chinese online community.
- This timer gives visual and/or vocal time signals at user defined intervals so that
you will never have to give manual time signals or frequently look at the time. At
the end of each speech, cross-examination, or preparation, the timer automatically
sets itself to time the next thing that needs timing at the push of a button. No
stopwatch or general purpose timer comes this close to fulfilling the role of a
dedicated timekeeper in a round.
Beijing Journal - A Home on the Internet Shelters Beijing’s Homeless - NYTimes.com
- Now, for once, modernity has come to the aid of the homeless people of Qianmen in the somewhat unlikely figure of Zhang Shihe. Mr. Zhang, a 55-year-old blogger, is a marketing expert by day, good Samaritan by night.
中国出口大幅下跌的祸福 - FT中文网 - FTChinese.com
- 对于正在筹备20国集团(G20)峰会的中国外交官来说,这些贸易数字或许让他们松了口气。尤其是,自去年10月以来一直在每月400亿美元创纪录水平徘徊的中国贸易顺差,2月份骤减至48.4亿美元。
- 然而,尽管昨日公布的贸易数据也许有助于缓和国际上对于中国的一些批评,但这些数据也将加大中国政府在国内面临、来自出口部门本已巨大的压力。出口如此大幅的下降,很可能意味着更多工厂处于破产边缘,失业率将进一步上升。中国出口行业已经有2000万农民工丢掉了工作。
Sociable Media Group - MIT Media Lab
- A visual microblogging service that makes it possible for people to use statistical graphs for expressive social communication.
Sociable Media Group - MIT Media Lab
- Connections is open! This is an exhibition at the MIT Museum of work by the
Sociable Media Group, featuring interactive spaces, data portraits, and "Metropath(ologies)", a new art installation about living in world overflowing with information - a world in which you are both subject and audience. The exhibit will run through August 2009.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.