- 中国著名维权律师高智晟的夫人耿和女士及子女已离开中国。耿和在离开中国后不久,接受自由亚洲电台记者丁小采访时说:“我感到很紧张,提心吊胆。高智晟一直被跟踪,他根本没有可能离开,我不知道高智晟现在在哪里,我对他的处境很担心。我出来的时候连新疆的家人都不知道。”
The Chocolate Chart Interactive - National Geographic Magazine
- If your chocolate Lab loves to eat chocolates, don't give in! Learn how much of each kind of chocolate can harm your best friend.
- Stuart A. Kauffman is well-known for his research in theoretical biology and as a pioneer in the field of complexity theory. He is the founding director of the Institute for Biocomplexity and Informatics, which conducts leading-edge interdisciplinary research in systems biology, and a professor at the University of Calgary. During the 1990s he rose to prominence through his key role at the Santa Fe Institute, where he is currently External Professor. His previous books include The Origins of Order, Investigations, and At Home in the Universe: The Search for the Laws of Self-Organization and Complexity. He lives in Calgary, Canada.
Klein wins UK prize for book | The Jewish Chronicle
- Other Jewish authors short-listed for the prize were Lisa Appignanesi for Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800, and Stuart Kauffman for Reinventing the Sacred.
Sketchbook - Dinner Companions - NYTimes.com
- so I borrowed Stuart Kauffman’s “Investigations,” a book of radical theoretical biology, from a friend. Since he had read it before me, it easily stayed open on the table beside my bowl of pasta.
BBC 中文网 | 港台消息 | 抗战国军牌位照片遭大陆网站窜改
- 台湾联合新闻网周三(3月11日)报道,新浪网刊登的照片,把国军牌位的刻字从原本的"中华民国国军于巴纽阵亡将士之灵位",改变成"巴纽阵亡将士之灵位"。
- 有华语网站论坛的帖子回应说:"都什么年代了还这么敏感,而且明明是二战时英勇的中国军人,却要说是国民党军人,他们牺牲时是中华民国军人没错吧。连灵位的图都要变造...太小心眼了吧!"
BBC 中文网 | 中国报道 | 台湾与藏人:从反共、同胞到关怀
一个台湾、一个西藏,这是中国面临的两大难题。中国大陆和台湾都是以汉族文化主导的社会,但是台湾却不在中国的管辖之下。西藏和台湾都和"独立""分离"这样的话题沾边儿,可又有着历史上的归属和现实中的相惜。- 这是因为马政府不愿让略有和缓的两岸关系,因为中国口中的"头号农奴主"、"暴力集团的头子"访台而受到影响。
- 定居台湾的藏人在面对一般台湾民众的时候,时常会出现"认同问题",因为两者间的语言和文化差别太大。融入日常生活也有一定的困难。
- 但是受访学者向BBC中文部表示,台湾人心存宽厚,同情弱势,所以自然对西藏的处境感到同情。
- 但在台藏人也有他们的迷惘,虽然他们很肯定他们不是"中国人",但是他们到底是不是台湾人?他们要怎么融入这个号称是"移民社会"的台湾呢?
Expanding the Public Domain: Part Zero - Creative Commons
- CC0 is an outgrowth of six years of experience with our existing public domain tool, the maturation of ccREL (our recommendations for machine-readable work information), and the requirements of educators and scientists for the public domain. Science Commons’ work on the Open Access Data Protocol, to ensure interoperability of data and databases in particular, informed our development of CC0. It should come as no surprise that several of CC0’s early adopters are leading some of the most important projects within the scientific community.
- Ars Electronica made its debut on September 18, 1979. This festival of art, technology and society spotlighted the emerging Digital Revolution. In his preface to what was going on then, Mayor Franz Hillinger wrote (with specific reference to music): “Ars Electronica is giving rise to a new tonal coloration in which state-of-the-art technology is dovetailing with the intellectual spirit of the age to open up undreamt-of expressive possibilities. [...] I am absolutely convinced that this new melodic parlance will ultimately be widely understood. After all, with the help of electronic music, it can even be made visible, be implemented in color, contour, line and rhythm that can be followed onscreen.” He would be proven correct. Content is missing
BBC 中文网 | 国际新闻 | 中美外长会谈将涉及美舰被围事件
- 他说,“美方把事实弄颠倒了,美国的测量船是在中国的大陆架专属经济区活动,我们的船只是在正常作业,是美国的船只在中国的近海进行有军事目的的海洋测量,这本身就对中国的主权进行了伤害。”
- 他说,“中国奉劝美国国会有关议员尊重事实摒弃偏见,体现作为政治人物应有的道德感和责任感,停止推动有关议案。”
- 美国海军“无暇”号监测船装备有被动和主动低频列阵声纳,可以有效地侦测和跟踪潜艇。
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.