El sharismo de Isaac Mao | Blog Nodos Ele
- La capacidad de compartir con nuestros estudiantes a partir del respeto a su individualidad va más allá de esa interpretación chata de la dimensión afectiva del aprendizaje tan de moda. Es a partir del respeto al individuo, a su decisión libre de interactuar o no, y de poner en juego estratégicamente su inteligencia conectiva como es posible entender una enseñanza libre de falsos ídolos y que responda a los fundamentos de la naturaleza humana.
The Associated Press: China's Gobi source of rare dinosaur find
- "This is a very exciting discovery, because 99.9 percent of the time, we find a group of skeletons that died at different periods due to unknown causes," said Paul Sereno, a University of Chicago professor on the excavation team. "The other 0.1 percent of the time, scientists consider themselves lucky to find small herds that have been well-preserved after floods or volcanic eruptions, similar to that of Pompeii."
- The position of the dinosaur bones suggests they were looking for water on the edge of a lake, got stuck and died as the mud engulfed them, Sereno said in a telephone interview. Their hip bones were found at odd angles, indicating scavengers tugged at their carcasses. Crablike organisms were also found surrounding the skeletons, a clue that tells scientists they were covered in water shortly after death, which helped preserve them.
Photos: Sennheiser HD 800 £1,000 headphones tested - Crave at CNET UK
- 有些人肆意批判普世价值;那是愚蠢,是知识不足的愚蠢!刚才说的体现普世价值的联合国三个人权文件,中国政府是签了字的。如果官员发表批判普世价值的言论,对中国形象的伤害太大了。
- 在全球化的过程中,中国怎样适应这个世界潮流,为中国人谋取最大的利益,这才是真正的爱国主义。谋取最大利益,不是说耀武扬威高喊什么爱国主义,不是靠人多势众,而是看你愿不愿不断改革落后的制度,你能不能促进生产力最好发展,你能不能令公民的权利得到最好保障。
- 20世纪中国,比较成熟的知识分子群体是胡适及其追随者。要是说老一辈的思想家因脱离中国专制文化的母体未久而有种种缺陷,理应获得人们的同情和惋惜的话,时下反自由主义的那帮人,则实在不敢恭维。广东人称西学、中学两头都不通的人为“竹篂(竹筒)仔”,准确生动刻画了此辈的形象。
- 知识阶层中仍然有一些人尚未懂得,西方非主流文化中的极端思潮在其诞生地有挑剔、净化主流文化之功,传入东方蜕变为主流,会引发巨大祸害。任何国家要摆脱不发达状态,提高人民福祉,必须融入世界一体化的洪流。有些吃过几天洋面包的学人没有受到足够的通识教育,应该补习世界和中国近代史。
- 为什么我总是那么乐观?我深信人性;或者说“人同此心,心同此理”。《独立宣言》说的“不言而喻”的真理:“人人生而平等”;“ 不可转让的权利……生命权、自由权和追求幸福的权利”;其实都是人性。自由、平等带来快乐;没有人生来就爱当奴隶,当奴才。三纲和计划经济制度培育出奴性,靠的是在暴力支撑下的闭关锁国。一旦接触外部世界,享受到市场经济带来的某些自由,生命的威胁减少,生活开始改善,人性的复苏便势不可挡。一股巨大的要求自由和幸福的潜流已在中国形成,它会在各个领域逐步冲决一切网罗。为此必须逐步建立保障公民自由权和其他公民权利的制度——法治、民主、宪政,这是谁也阻挡不了的。过程是长期和曲折的,但要回到官长控制一切的时代肯定不可能了。
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.