Austrian to plead guilty to rape and incest, lawyer says -
- "This man obviously led a double life for 24 years. He had a wife and had seven kids with her. And then he had another family with his daughter, fathered another seven children with her," said Franz Polzer, a police officer in Amstetten, the town where Fritzl lived, at the time of his arrest.
- Hospital staff became suspicious of the case and alerted police, who discovered the family members in the cellar.
- • Involvement in slave trade: From 1984 until 2008, prosecutors allege, Fritzl held his daughter, Elisabeth, captive in a dungeon, abused her sexually and treated her as if she were his personal property -- in a situation similar to slavery. If he is convicted, the sentence could range from 10 to 20 years in prison.
- 北京有一所「乌有之乡书社」,这些年来颇惹人关注。「乌有之乡」即乌托邦,凝聚于「乌有之乡」的一批退休官员、学者和读者,赤裸裸表明要为「四人帮平反」、「为文化大革命平反」,要以「毛泽东主义」粉碎中南海执政的「修正主义集团」。他们利用改革开放的宽容而大行其道,从「极左」(指那些反改革开放而留恋毛泽东时代制度、忧虑放弃共产主义原则)的方面寻求突破,非法印製书籍销售,「乌有之乡」大讲堂每週举办讲座,出版电子杂志,举办网友沙龙,散发宣传单张和光盘,以「乌有之乡」网站为自己的话语平台。
- 2.中国大陆人的受教育水平普遍偏低,目前也就是仅仅停留在“走出文盲”的阶段,对新的技术,新的理念的理解力,接受力偏弱。新技术新理念终究只是少数人玩儿的概念,更多的人在仰望,在崇拜,在迷茫。以我的同学来说,技术水平太低,这个问题让我很郁闷,什么是“域名”,什么是“IP”,什么是“网段”,什么是“HTML语言”等等如此basic的问题没几个人能完全答下来,更不要提MySQL,Ajax了;他们会“上网”:会看网页,会写博客,会玩儿网游,却终究不知道这些东西背后的原理。长期只重视分数不重视能力的教育,造成了这样一种现象:学生对科学没有崇拜,对技术没有追求,对知识没有渴求。我认为这是一种愚昧,称之为“二十一世纪的愚昧”?我认为这与上世纪的愚昧没什么区别。满脑子想着“钱”,满脑子梦着“如何躺在床上一边睡觉一边挣钱”的人,会有什么前途呢?或者说会有什么“钱”途呢?我为我的同学们感到悲哀。不说罢。。。。。
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.