- 本台记者获悉,中国商报黑龙江记者站站长陈占军数月前在调查当地五大连池市警察枪击土地维权村民的事件时,被捕并以诈骗罪判刑十一年;而维权村民代表三人被判刑三到五年;另外身中四枪的村民以及他在网上发贴求助的哥哥目前仍在关押待审的状态。据悉由于有关部门禁令,事件至今未获得媒体曝光。自由亚洲电台特约记者丁小的采访报道
从Oasis演出被取消想到的 - 声色犬马 - 平客的虚无笔记
- 今天,Oasis在NME网站公布了原因,是因为乐队成员Noel Gallagher在1997年曾经参加过一次在纽约举行的支持藏独的音乐会。那次音乐会上,有一大堆如雷贯耳的知名艺人。
Road Map for Financial Recovery: Radical Transparency Now!
Is Social Networking Killing You? - The Lede Blog - NYTimes.com
- One problem with this analysis, as Charles Arthur pointed out on The Guardian’s technology blog, is that Dr. Sigman does not seem to distinguish between interactive activities people engage in online, particularly on social networking sites, and the more passive consumption of media, like watching television or listening to music. He refers to time spent “in front of TV/computer screens” and presents a chart of hours spent in “Social Interaction vs. Electronic Media Use,” which of course assumes that there is no overlap between those two activities.
Researchers Generate Functional Neurons From Engineered Stem Cells
Researchers Generate Functional Neurons From Engineered Stem Cells
- This study is the first to use human iPS cells to generate electrically active motor neurons, a key hallmark of functional maturation that is essential for any future application of iPS cells. “To our knowledge, our results present the first demonstration of the electrical activity of iPS-derived neurons and further suggest the feasibility of using these cells to explore how changes in motor neuron activity contributes to the degeneration of these cells underlying these disorders,” the authors state.
Technology Review: TR10: $100 Genome
- Despite many experts' doubt that whole-genome sequencing could be done for $1,000, let alone a 10th that much, BioNanomatrix believes it can reach the $100 target in five years. The reason for its optimism: company founder Han Cao has created a chip that uses nanofluidics and a series of branching, ever-narrowing channels to allow researchers, for the first time, to isolate and image very long strands of individual DNA molecules.
- 在现有的精神病收治体制下,一个公民不需经过严格的司法程序和医疗鉴定程序,就可以被视作没有行为能力的人,被亲属和政府/官员送进疯人院。而且你一旦进去了,就很难出来,你越说自己没病,就越象精神病。
- 1年多前她选择出家为尼,希望用宗教的力量来平复这段惨痛的经历,但还是不能。“没法忘记,在医院,他们强迫我吃药,甚至还威胁对我进行电击治疗;现在只有通过法律给我公平”。
- 根据《民法通则》的规定,亲属在送精神病人住院治疗前需要向法院提出申请并由法院做出宣告。只有法院宣告公布以后,相关亲属才具备精神病人的监护人资格,才能将病人送进精神病院治疗。
'Neurological Work-arounds' Offer Hope For Conditions Ranging From Addiction To Schizophrenia
- ScienceDaily (Feb. 27, 2009) — Researchers have known for decades that the brain has a remarkable ability to "reprogram" itself to compensate for problems such as traumatic injury. Now, a research article published in the February 2009 issue of the journal Genetics suggests that the brain may also be able to compensate for problems with key neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine.
- To reach this conclusion, Krantz, Simon and colleagues bred fruit flies with what should have been a devastating, life-threatening mutation in the vesicular monoamine transporter gene. This mutation caused their brain cells to be unable to release monoamine neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. Fruit flies were used in the study because they are convenient for genetic experiments and have a set of neurotransmitters that is nearly identical to that of humans. And as is the case with humans, monoamine neurotransmitters are considered necessary for the fly to function normally.
- 这种事情每次一发生,都是骂声漫天,一片怒不可遏,如同这次被强奸的Oasis演唱会,各处Oasis小组里面已经骂得一塌糊涂,(一小撮情绪不稳定的群众1,一小撮情绪不稳定的群众2,这些小组要看得抓紧,估计马上要被河蟹了,群众出离愤怒了,骂得失去“理智”了)。这种例行的愤怒会持续一段时间,然后慢慢平息,直至好像什么都没有发生过,这样的事情不断循环发生着,而最后都会以官方的“各地群众情绪稳定”作为一个和谐的结尾。作为“躲猫猫”的观众,我们的知情权少的可怜,作为这个国家的“主人”,我们从来没有被当成这个国家的一分子;就算我们知道了真相,在这样一种体制下,我们能做的依然少的可怜,甚至是没有!因为我们甚至都没有抗议的权利,没有发言的权利,遑论是争取什么个人的权利啊,“你们算个屁啊!”,真是一点没错。所以我们也已经慢慢习惯了被强奸,除去短暂的几声抱怨,我们能做的也只是忍受了。即使可怜的那几声抱怨,阿党都要不遗余力的前拦后堵,五毛,喝茶,伟大祖国的特色。
- 马勒戈壁佳士得拍卖行于3月1日拍卖草泥马。法国收藏家彼得潘在未交保证金的情况下,以2800万草泥币高价拍得草泥马一只,随后,彼得潘宣称“款不能付!”。彼得潘进一步强调:“我想,在那个时刻,每个法国人都会站出来。只不过是给了我这个机会,我只是尽了自己的责任。”
McKinsey: What Matters: Building an innovation nation
- The global recession is commanding most of the attention of business executives and government leaders. But they should not lose sight of innovation: managers know that the future of their businesses depend on it, and government leaders understand that the long-term growth prospects of cities and nations are tied to it. Even—perhaps especially—in times of economic turbulence, innovation remains the most important differentiator separating economic winners from also-rans.
- 你好,远方! 1984年,美国印第安纳大学近代符号学的先驱托马斯·西比奥克(Thomas A.Sebeok)写了一篇名为“沟通十个千年的通讯方法”的论文。这篇论文出于美国能源部为了警示一万年以后的人类而做的研究。今天人们将许多核废料深埋在地下,为了不让后人不慎再将它们挖出,美国能源部想要设计一种一万年以后的人类也能看懂的警示标志。
“卧槽”是怎么回事 - 解放日报电子版 - timnew's posterous
- 不过,卧槽与跳槽并非完全对立,否则就可能变成一匹“卧槽泥马”。卧槽泥马出自《战国策》,形容虚有其表、窃居名位者,即使有相应的地位,其能力也不足以胜任,等同于烂泥扶不上墙。所以说,卧槽者不应成为“卧槽泥马”,卧槽也并非“卧以待毙”。职场人士大可不必草木皆兵,而要变被动为主动,视卧槽为蓄势待发、开创工作新局面的机会。
Seed: The Evolution of Life in 60 Seconds
- The Evolution of Life in 60 Seconds is an experiment in scale: By condensing 4.6 billion years of history into a minute, the video is a self-contained timepiece. Like a specialized clock, it gives one a sense of perspective. Everything — from the formation of the Earth, to the Cambrian Explosion, to the evolution of mice and squirrels — is proportionate to everything else, displaying humankind as a blip, almost indiscernible in the layered course of history.
The case for and against Creative Commons | News | TechRadar UK
- 网民移民是我生造的一个词,它与“电子移民”相似但有一定的区别。它更侧重于用户的“网络服务”:人在国内,却将很多“网络服务”由国内提供商迁移到国外。
- 在blogbus上经营了一年半。其实,对于我这样的菜鸟来讲,blogbus的用户体验还是不错的。新站采用wordpress的方式建立,还有很多玩意有待我去慢慢熟悉和开发。这个博客上的好友链接,也会一点一点挪过去(走到哪儿都捎着、想着你们,把我自己感动死了)。只是等到全部完工,以我众所周知的龟速,尚需时日。
- 今天充斥于世界报端和中国报端的最大新闻是中国收藏家蔡铭超在举世瞩目的巴黎拍卖会上的公然恶意欺诈。他以2800万欧元巨价竞得两件兽首,但是他今天召开新闻发布会上说,“我不会付款。在当时那样的情况下,每一个中国人都会站出来,我只是尽到了自己的责任。”他投标不是为了中标,而是为了爱国.这玩笑可开大了,这是一种公然的恶意欺诈.对于他的这种恶意欺诈行为,中国报纸竞相报导,言称他是“一位令人钦佩的中国人”。
- 继续从法律上分析,善意第三人,是法律上的一个重要名词。它的基本概念是:一个人出卖的东西哪怕是抢来的,但购买者不知它的来源而购买了它,失主发现后不能向购买者追索所有权,它可以向出卖者请求赔偿。兽首持有人贝尔热正是这样一位善意第三人,佳士德拍卖的正是这样一种善意第三人所合法持有物品。
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.