- A Chinese character has finally been created for the new equine breed -- caonima (草泥马) or "grass mud horse" -- that's been galloping amok on the Chinese interwebs much to the chagrin of the Net Nanny. The 艹 radical refers to 'grass' (草), 尼resembles泥 and both are homophones, while 马is the character for 'horse'. The new character even has a recommended pronunciation -- Jia4 or Yu2. [h/t to Isaac Mao]
Target goes Green with MIO (NOTCOT)
Why Do Freeways Come to a Stop? | woohome
- This image helps to explain the phenomenon of “Why Do Freeways Come to a Stop?”. It happens to most drivers at least a few times a year. You’re sailing along on the freeway when you’re forced to come to a stop, or at least a crawl. You can’t see why things are slowing around the bend - and when you get there, traffic is moving better. Traffic planners call this a “shockwave.” [via..]
弃稿:进退江南春 - swelse - life is somewhere else
- 但不止新浪看中股价大幅跳水后的分众,12月24日,郭广昌控制的复星国际公布资料显示,从11月17日至12月22日,复星已经在纳斯达克公开市场购入分众传媒13.33%的股份,23日,复星再次大量购入分众股份,持股达到16.78%。没有什么证据显示这是一场内幕交易,复星的公告也强调这只是一次财务投资,并不谋求新浪的董事会席位,以郭的精明和对媒体一贯的兴趣,在分众股价低位时出手投资并不太让人意外,但郭的突然加入无疑让这场尚未落定的交易变得愈发扑朔迷离,未来可能的走向也更多样。
- 2008年3月15日,江南春辞去分众传媒CEO一职刚满8天,央视“3·15晚会”上,分众旗下的分众无线公司被定性为“垃圾短信制造者”,这部分业务源于2006年3月以3000万美元收购而来的凯威点告公司,在收购凯威后,分众又花费六七千万美元收购了至少8家同类公司,并整合为分众无线公司,2007年分众无线的收入规模已经达到3.5亿元,并计划2008年分拆上市,但经过 “短信门”的致命打击,江南春选择壮士断腕,彻底放弃无线业务,经此一役,分众共损失8000万美元。
Nicolas Cage: Artist or hack? The choice is his | PopWatch Blog | EW.com
PicoBoard - Sensor Board that works with MIT’s Scratch
- Elliott says Rodriguez needed to be in prison for the rest of her life and called her a, quote, "one-person crime wave."
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.