SSHURL Protocol - Wiki@Lodbrok
- Paths should probably be changed in the scripts, The reason for the dirty perl hack is that PuTTY does not handle the full URL.
how do I create my own URL protocol? (e.g. so://...) - Stack Overflow
BBC 中文网 | 国际新闻 | 伊朗审慎回应奥巴马"新开始"言论
- 美国总统奥巴马在一段没有事先预告的视频讲话中表示,希望美国和伊朗的外交关系能有一个"新开端",能"直接与伊朗伊斯兰共和国的人民和领袖们讲话"。
- 但是,本月早些时候,奥巴马延长了对伊朗的制裁一年,并称伊朗持续对美国的国家安全构成威胁。
Society's vital networks prone to 'explosive' changes - tech - 13 March 2009 - New Scientist
- Networks that grow randomly, like the global connections between computers that make up the internet, usually rapidly and smoothly gain a central backbone of connections that make it simple to travel between any two points, in what is called a fully connected structure.
- Probing the process has been a challenge, as non-invasive techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging and EEG give either spatial or temporal information but not both. The best way to get both simultaneously is to implant electrodes deep inside the skull, but it is difficult to justify this in healthy people for ethical reasons.
- “We are now in a situation like molecular biology was a few years ago when people started to map the human genome and make the data available,” Meier says. “Our colleagues are recording data from neural tissues describing the neurons and synapses and their connectivity. This is being done almost on an industrial scale, recording data from many, many neural cells and putting them in databases.”
Researchers Develop Wireless Method of Brain Stimulation
Technology Review: Blogs: arXiv blog: Why compressive sensing will change the world
- Holtz points out that the conventional limit is determined by the Shannon-Nyquist-Whittaker sampling theory which states that perfect reconstruction is possible only when the sampling
frequency is greater than twice the maximum frequency of the signal under study. - The difficulty is in determining the structure, an NP-hard problem that cannot usually be solved in a reasonable amount of time. But it turns out that with a little mathematical trickery, even this isn't necessary and the signal can indeed be reconstructed successfully with a fraction of the Nyquist sampling rate.
- (Incidentally, this idea explains a phenomenon that has puzzled physicists for some time: the curious creation of "ghost images" that physicists had thought were the result of entanglement. Last year, we discussed some work showing that entanglement could not be involved but raising the quite reasonable question of what on Earth was to blame. In fact, the entire affair can be explained by compressive sensing, as pointed out by Wim and Igor Carron in the comments at the time.)
Internet - Technology - Finance: Experiments with im bot programming
- Smack, the xmpp library from does seem to support jingle in some form or the other, but the same is not well documented and I could not find enough samples to make it work with google. It seems that there are some differences between google and ignited realtime's implementation of jingle specifications as well.
Vivek Kundra's Crime: Shoplifted Some Shirts From J.C. Penney
Now we know: Vivek shopflited four shirts, worth $134 combined. From J.C. Penney.
At an average of $33.50 a pop, they weren't even nice shirts, even in 1996 dollars. (The crime was 1996, the conviction 1997.)
And then, when Vivek got caught, he ran for it. He didn't get away.
A New Book Reveals Why China Is Unhappy - TIME
XMind - Social Brainstorming and Mind Mapping
- XMind, combined with online sharing service, provides a revolutionary way to enable both team brainstorming and personal mind mapping. With this major upgrade, we bring Web 2.0 concepts on community sharing into a popular desktop application. New Gantt view allows project managers to easily track project tasks and schedules. You'll find many more useful and time-saving functions in XMind product family.
- Google, authors and publishers recently entered into a
settlement agreement in The Authors Guild et al. v. Google Inc.,
a class action lawsuit brought against Google in connection with its use
of copyrighted books in its Book Search feature, and in The
McGraw-Hill Companies et al. v. Google Inc., a separate lawsuit by
publishers. The settlement, if approved by the court, will provide new
opportunities for authors and publishers to market their works. It will
also enhance the public’s ability to search for books and to get partial
text displays (and, in the case of many older works, full text displays)
at home, at school, and in libraries. At the same time, the settlement
may have significant implications for copyright law, competition,
research and scholarship.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.