Following Experts and Ideas — Big Think Blog
- Yes. The results of the study which will appear in the form of a paper, "Lesion Mapping of Cognitive Abilities Linked to Intelligence," in the March 12 issue of Neuron, offer new insight into how the various factors that comprise an "intelligence quotient" (IQ) score depend on particular regions of the brain.
Hands on: Nanocrowd brings the crowd to movie recommendation - Ars Technica
- Another movie recommendation engine, called Nanocrowd, has surfaced. But instead of employing video store clerks or granular metadata to predict what you want to watch, Nanocrowd uses the, ahem, wisdom of the crowds to build its database of recommended films. The approach is both unique and proof that the recommendation nut is far from being cracked.
- 耿: 在北京,我们从北京离开的。我们是坐的火车。在朋友的帮助下,甩掉了警察,逐步逐步就走到了第二个国家。中间很多都不记得,都是连夜兼程地走。很苦,路过哪些地方都不知道。
耿: 我们是16号到的,中间全部在路上。
唐:高律师为什么没有和您还有 您的子女一起离开 呢?
耿: 他甩不开(警察的跟踪),因为跟他跟得特别紧。他就象在家软禁一样。 - 耿: 反正她很脆弱,一会儿就不高兴,就很沮丧。我们从第二国申请来美国,会有一些程序慢慢走,她每一步,她都很烦躁,每一步她都很着急。
上海抢滩PE中心 投资机构高管个税最高补贴40% - 投资资讯 ·ChinaVenture投资中国网
- 继去年8月,由上海市金融办、上海工商局、国税局、地税局等四部门联合下发《关于本市股权投资企业工商登记等事项的通知》后,上海浦东新区金融办日前就《浦东新区促进股权投资企业和股权投资管理企业发展的实施办法》(简称《办法》)召开“浦东新区股权投资机构政策落实专题座谈会”,向机构投资者“路演”。
- 其中,以公司制形式设立的股权投资企业,根据其注册资本规模,给予一次性的奖励——注册资本达5亿元的,给予500万元;达15亿元的,给予1000万元;达30亿元的,给予1500万元。
China’s Leaders See a Calendar Full of Anniversaries, and Trouble -
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.