
SocialPipeline 01/31/2009 (a.m.)

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    • What information is available about you in cyberspace? Where does it come from? What risks does it present and what, if anything, can you do to protect yourself? To answer those questions I decided to use my own identity, Robert L. Mitchell, a national correspondent at Computerworld, as my research subject.
    • Having a common name like Robert Mitchell -- or a famous one like Bill Gates -- makes the job a lot harder. While nuggets of information about you can be pulled up quickly, filtering out all of the data that is not actually about you and sorting out what is accurate is time-consuming. It requires a lot of digging.
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    • 在充满火药味的激烈争辩中,土耳其总理埃尔多安因主持人未能给他充分的发言时间,在议程结束前愤然离席,并当即表示以后绝不会再来达沃斯,以示抗议。
    • 接着,轮到埃尔多安总理。他说,他来到达沃斯是为了参与自由的讨论。过去一个多月,加沙发生的事件令人忧虑,但他仍然强调了和平的精神。他说:“我没有攻击以色列,以色列人,也没有攻击佩雷斯总统。我公开表示,反犹太主义是反人类的。”
    • 走在前面的埃尔多安,迟疑瞬间,慢慢转回身去。施瓦布伸出手,绕过前面的保安人员,两人握手数秒钟。
  • tags: Visualization, Genome, Algorithm

    • Text Analysis
    • Text comparison of English books with the FFP method yields a relationship tree that groups similar books together, by genre, period or author. Credit: Sung-Hou Kim laboratory, UC Berkeley
    • Mammalian Family Tree
  • tags: Clone, Genome, Patent, for:Anothr

    • The Ottos were one of five families to bid and win an auction held by BioArts International in July for a chance to clone their family dog. Lancey’s genetic donor, Sir Lancelot, died in January, 2008, and the Ottos had his DNA stored. By October, samples from the original dog were on their way to the Sooam Biotech Research Foundation in Seoul, South Korea, which provides cloning services to BioArts.
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    • Professor James Timmons worked with a team of researchers from Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh, Scotland, to investigate the effect of ‘high-intensity interval training’ (HIT) on the metabolic prowess of sixteen sedentary male volunteers. He said, “The risk of developing cardiovascular
      and type two diabetes is substantially reduced through regular physical activity. Unfortunately, many people feel they simply don’t have the time to follow current exercise guidelines. What we have found is that doing a few intense muscle exercises, each lasting only about 30 seconds, dramatically improves your metabolism in just two weeks."
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