Solidot | 50个令人叹为观止的JavaScript应用站点
- COMSHARP CMS 写道 "随着诸如 jQuery, Mootools, Prototype 一类的 JavaScript 框架的崛起,Web 开发者们基于这些框架创建了众多令人叹为观止的效果。以下的50个站点全部基于 JavaScript,却拥有 Flash 一样的绚丽效果。在很多 Web 开发者看来,Flash 并不是他们的首要选择,因为 Flash 至今对搜索引擎仍是不透明的,另外,Flash 的渲染需要浏览器插件,而 JavaScript 的一切都是本地的(图文)。"
In China, a Grass-Roots Rebellion -
- Tang, a pigtailed, 30-something cosmetology major, had never considered herself the activist type. Like many other Chinese citizens, she kept a blog where she wrote about current events and her life, but she wasn't political.
- "This is the first time that anyone other than the Communist Party has put in written form in a public document a political vision for China," said Xiao Qiang, an adjunct professor of journalism at the University of California at Berkeley, a human rights activist and director of the China Internet Project, which monitors conversation on China's vast network of electronic bulletin-board systems, blogs and Web sites. "It's dangerous to be associated with dissidents, so in the past, other, ordinary people have not signed such documents. But this time it is different. It has become a citizens' movement."
- On Jan. 13, a group of more than 20 Chinese intellectuals signed an open letter calling for a boycott of state television news programs because of what they said is systematic bias and brainwashing, and separately, a Beijing newspaper ran a commentary that argued that freedom of speech is written into the constitution and that the authorities cannot solely decide whether something is "absurd versus not, or progressive versus reactionary."
- 1998年颁布的该法一直存有很大的争议,美国民权组织和其他机构认为,这部法律违背了美国宪法第一修正案中关于言论自由的内容,而美国司法部则一直在捍卫这部法律。由于颇具争议,法律并未实际投入使用。2009年1月21日,美国最高法院否决了司法部门的辩护,他们不会考虑是该法律生效。此前该法案已被联邦上诉法院认定违宪而失效。
- 这让我想起了前不久,某电视台一直披露含低俗内容网站名单事件,ZF控制了报纸、电视后,触角来到了新领域。
中国总理温家宝其人 | 中国 | Deutsche Welle | 2009.01.29
- 圈内人士透露,两年前,温家宝第一届总理任期结束,他并不十分情愿地开始了第二个任期。据称,他的自由化经济政策受到不少方面的批评。作为总理,温家宝一直在政治局和广大人民的利益之间艰难地寻找平衡。
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.