Top News - Stimulus bill includes $142B for education
- Some $20 billion for school modernization and $1 billion for educational technology are among nearly $150 billion in funding targeted toward education in the House version of the new economic stimulus package, which lawmakers introduced Jan. 15.
- - $41 billion to boost learning in local K-12 school districts through Title I ($13 billion), IDEA ($13 billion), a new School Modernization and Repair Program ($14 billion), and the Education Technology block-grant program ($1 billion);
BBC 中文网 | 国际新闻 | 一澳洲男子因诽谤泰国王室获刑
- 41岁的哈里·尼古拉德斯2005年著书《逼真》,虽然只销售七本,但泰国法官裁定其触犯冒犯君主罪。
January 15, 2009—A Chinese farmer, long ridiculed for building robots from spare parts, is making money and winning awards from his hobby. His latest: a mustachioed, rickshaw puller.
- 作家斯科特·谢恩(Scott Shane)同意这样的观点,他写道,“蘇維埃幻觉的破灭…并不是用坦克或是炮弹达成的,而是用事实以及舆论来促成的,它是被压制了数十年的信息释放所戳破。“ [16] 信息的洪流导致蘇維埃公民对他们的政权发出质疑之声,而我们可以看到,最初的促进因素就是米哈伊尔·戈尔巴乔夫1985年开始实施的开放政策。该政策在上 世纪80年代后期逐渐放松了对于信息和出行的限制。然而,开放并不仅仅只是源自戈尔巴乔夫自己个人的良好意愿——而是他意识了技术发展的需求。用1988 年戈尔巴乔夫自己的话来讲就是,”国际通信跟以前相比要比便捷上许多。事实是,如今任何社会都不可能‘闭起关,锁起国来’。[18]“
- Paypal这类的服务业也可以增加那些通胀肆虐国家中居民的财务安全。通过拥有一个美元计价(dollar-denominated )的账户,而不是以本地货币计价的账户,个人就可将他们每年遭受的通胀比率降低到一个很低的数字。使用诸如电子黄金(e-gold )以及以货物计价(commodity-denominated)的账户,个人完全就不会再次遭受通胀盘剥。此外,他们可以将它们的钱财跨境转移,而无需 面对来自政府方面的限制。随着互联网电子商务的发展,世界各地越来越多的个人可以通过互联网工作以及兑换货币——这可以绕过这个世界上一些最为严苛政府的 管制和控制。
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | New death from bird flu in China
- China has the world's biggest poultry population and is seen as critical in the fight to contain H5N1, which resurfaced in Asia in 2003, killing at least 247 people.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.