Ringful.com - Mobility Mashups
愚狗政策? 娱狗政策? Just for fun… - 我blog故我在
- 为什么牛博网翘辫子后也翻不起浪花,主要是里面浆糊和垃圾太多。为什么正而八经的人不原往牛博里挤呢?王安石在点评孟尝君时说过,鸡鸣狗盗出入其门,所以正人君子不往里钻。牛博网就是这样的,周曙光、韩寒、连岳、钱列宪等垃圾网渣混在里面,正而八经的人谁愿和这样的人交往?
10 Smart Javascript Techniques For Manipulating Content
- We want to obtain this effect: when an user clicks on a link ("Hide"), the related <li> element disappear with a nice animated slide out effect. A simple way to implement an animated "disappear" effect using MooTools slideOut() for an element of a list when an user clicks on a link contained into a <li> element of that list. This tutorial explains how to implement that using “five” lines of JavaScript code.
雅虎欲开辟互联网电视新领域 尝试TV Widgets - 产业资讯·ChinaVenture投资中国网
- 雅虎希望能再次开辟新业务模式,这次它瞄准了互联网、电视融合。在国际消费电子展(以下简称“CES”)上,雅虎公布了多款电视及预装有它和英特尔联合开发软件的相关产品,用户在观看电视节目的同时,可以通过电视使用互联网服务。雅虎和英特尔去年8月首次展示了它们称之为“TV Widgets”的技术,并在CES上公布了详细资料。此外,两家公司还在CES上公布了硬件合作伙伴、方便通过电视访问的站点和相关开发工具。
科学松鼠会 » 互联网:文化共产主义者在行动(南方人物周刊)
- IT界观察人士安替对“专业聚合体”们的前景则相当乐观:“很有可能,10年、20年之后,全国翻译界的大腕 都是译言出来的,科技文章最好的写手都是松鼠会的成员。谁说他们不是今日的西南联大?”他甚至摩拳擦掌地表示自己未来 的两到三年,主要精力就将投身在“孵化和推广这些网站上。”
- Three of the circumvention tools — DynaWeb FreeGate, GPass, and FirePhoenix — used most widely to get around China’s Great Firewall are tracking and selling the individual web browsing histories of their users. Data about aggregate usage of users of the tools is published freely. You can see, for example, that the three sites most visited by users of these circumvention tools are live.com, google.com, and secretchina.com. Aggregate data like this is a terrific resource for those of us interested in researching circumvention tool usage, and not much of a privacy risk for the circumventing users if it is only stored (as well as displayed) in the aggregate.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.