- 不管你是市长还是企业CEO,在博客里,我们都拥有一个很亲切的称呼——“博友”。大大小小的网站都搞过博客大会,重在参与、重在交流,重在借用博客这个平台拉近你我的距离,呼唤友情,拒绝冷漠,呼唤社会以及人们的心灵世界更趋于真诚。中文网志年会,2005年在上海、2006年在杭州、2007年在北京,2008又来到广州,博友们从网络世界走进真实世界,有博友感叹“我们有很大的信心看到一个更加多样、绚丽多彩、跨边界的分享空间呈现在网络上、网络下,成为你我人人可以参与的盛会。”关于博客大会,也即网志年会,它象征了某种网络民主或公民组织的可能性,再来是人人都是会议的中心,而不是以往一般的主从概念。博客或网志,台湾称为部落客。
SINGLE-FLUX NETWORKS | The Honeynet Project
- AcaWiki is a "Wikipedia for academic research" designed to collect summaries and long-abstracts of peer-reviewed academic research, and make them available to the general public. All content on the site is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution license so you can download, re-post, and reuse what you find here as long as give proper attribution. Read more about AcaWiki, check out the FAQ, or look at a sample summary.
INTRODUCTION | The Honeynet Project
- One of the most active threats we face today on the Internet is cyber-crime. Increasingly capable criminals are constantly developing more sophisticated means of profiting from online criminal activity. This paper demonstrates a growing, sophisticated technique called fast-flux service networks which we are seeing increasingly used in the wild. Fast-flux service networks are a network of compromised computer systems with public DNS records that are constantly changing, in some cases every few minutes. These constantly changing architectures make it much more difficult to track down criminal activities and shut down their operations.
IBM Announces Intent to Acquire Outblaze's E-Mail Service Assets
- IBM (NYSE: IBM) has announced its
intent to acquire the strategic messaging service assets of Outblaze, Ltd.,
a privately held provider of online messaging and collaboration services,
based in Hong Kong. Building on IBM Lotus' market leadership in messaging
software, the asset acquisition will accelerate the delivery of affordable,
Web-based e-mail services in a software-as-a-service (SaaS) model.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.