Mind Hacks: Learning Makes Itself Invisible
自由之家认为,2008年中国的人权状况没有进步,令人失望,特别是中国曾经承诺举办奥运能推动言论自由。台湾民主基金会的唐博伟 - 根据自由之家的报告,全世界193个国家有89个国家属于自由体制,占所有国家的46%,不自由的国家有42个,占的比例是22%;部分自由的国家有62个,占32%。
Relic of the New 87 Immortals-Following the Sun
本博被誉为“去哪里领钱” - 天天要换丈母娘 - TOM博客 - Annotated
- 继周曙光去重庆之后,他又去过东北沈阳,自称是去报道“蚂蚁案”,结果是被那里的警方押送回来。地震时去过四川。去过贵州的瓮安。去过广洲,参加第四届中文网志年会。之后他又想去德国去当评委。一个文章都写不好的人,一个连祖国都不承认的人(他一直在用民国纪年),却要当中文博客大赛的评委,现在知道了吗?周曙光天南地北的飞来飞去,是领谁的钱?就这点飞机票,靠他卖菜要卖多少年才能赚到?他既不种菜也不卖菜,不靠外国人养活,能活得这么光鲜?
- 这可真是五毛的文笔了 - post by isaacmao
- 突然想到一个异型的比喻,纵使你有很多个女人,也比不上一个家的感觉。我觉得自己的 Blog 大概也这样:不是你的应不是你的,你除非不知,否则你不会在别人的土地上进行耕耘,这是人爱自己天性使然。
- 所以挺感谢数字游牧的这片土地,尤其记忆深刻的是他令人吃惊的服务启动速度。
- 一、现代中国,基本上不会发生粮食安全问题;二、粮食安全与耕地保护没有必然关系;三、18亿亩耕地红线没有必要。
Python diigo bookmarks mover and the diigo api | Kliakhandler Kosta
- I really like diigo. It is a bookmark sharing service akin del.icio.us or ma.gnlia.com. It is somewhat hard to say what specifically I like about it so much but some of the things would be the great management interface, the very good firefox toolbar, it's ability to sync with other services (This feature is available on other services today, but it wasn't when I started using it), page caching and the ability to write notes and highlight text on pages are some things which spring to mind. Until recently I was using a certain username for my bookmarks, but I decided I needed to change the username.
- So apparently the controversies in international media this summer over China and the Olympics came as a bit of a shock to the Chinese people. While the government's retained tight control over its own media, it's been less able to harmonize those pesky news outlets abroad. Not one to take perceived insults to its national image lying down, Beijing is now throwing RMB 45 billion into targeting global audiences.
- 只有朝向买票者的钟出了“故障”,而且出在这么敏感的时间,这是在舒缓我们的焦急情绪,还是在忽悠着没有手机和手表的农民工们玩,而延迟放票的那十分钟到底发生了什么,对于站在寒风中的我们而言也许永远只是个迷。
- 号召愿意起早的北京记者,从明天早上起去拍西客站大钟!也许你自己已经和一些方面打好了招呼甚至一票在手归家不愁,但是为了那些曾经和你同一JIECENG的平民,请你去体验排队之艰!
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.