
SocialPipeline 01/21/2009 (a.m.)

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    • NESSON
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    • Sean Mingo and his mother, Joan, watched the inauguration in Daytona Beach, Florida.
    • Residents of the Jewish Home, a senior living facility in Los Angeles, California, watch the inauguration.
  • it's so surprise that the neuron social pipeline co-incidence

    tags: Brain, SocialPipeline

    • monkey%20cortex%20500.jpg
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    • Look around any traditional, hierarchial institution and a major status indicator is who has access to what information. It's an illusion of course because someone somewhere in the world has put it on a website or blogged about it. It's hard to imagine the J. Edgar Hoover's of the world will graciously accept that their secret files aren't secret and the power now lies in sharism. We're more likely to get a return of McCarthyism with the fear of Communism being replaced by the fear of those with unauthorized ways of accessing information.
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    • It's quite amazing to think that we have such poor insight into the functioning of our own minds that we 'mistake' low mood for a bad memory, poor concentration or impaired problem solving but it's a finding that has been widely replicated in healthy people, both young and old, in psychiatric patients, and most recently in patients with epilepsy - to mention but a few of the studies.
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    • His thesis follows like this -- we're neurologically wired to share, Internet gives expression that innate impulse, and subsequently, we will see the rise of a social brain that will not only help us better solve problems but create a more effective form of governance.  To realize this potential, Isaac points to two basic things: we need to design better software with this impulse in mind, and we need to keep the sharism fires stoked within each one of us.
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    • Sharism
      "The key motivator of social media and the core spirit of Web 2.0 is a mind switch called Sharism. Sharism suggests a re-orientation of personal values. We see it in user generated content. It is the pledge of Creative Commons. It is in the plans of future-oriented cultural initiatives. Sharism is also a mental practice that anyone can try, a social-psychological attitude to transform a wide and isolated world into a super-smart social brain."
        Isaac Mao @ FreeSouls.cc
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    • A closed geometry magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) unit. Research using brain scanners has been criticised for poor methodology (Image: Voisin / Phanie / Rex)
    • Pashler's team say that in most of the studies, which linked brain regions to feelings including social rejection, neuroticism and jealousy, researchers interpreted their data using a method that inflates the strength of the link between a brain region and the emotion or behaviour.
  • tags: Timeline

    • This is a powerful tool for students to place important events in proper chronology when working with constructivist projects - post by panzer25
    • Intriguing and potentially useful in learning contexts. - post by enkerli
    • A collaborative timeline - post by panzer25

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
