Obama revives the Freedom of Information Act. - By Fred Kaplan - Slate Magazine
- In 2006, the National Security Archive, a private research organization headquartered at George Washington University, sued the U.S. Air Force for failing to respond to several FOIA requests. A federal judge ruled that the Air Force had engaged in a "pattern and practice" of neglect on the issue. Since then, the Air Force has cleaned up its act, retrained personnel, and resumed serious reviewing. Other agencies have stepped up their training, too—but in the opposite direction, ordering their FOIA officers to find legal rationales for withholding everything (the natural bureaucratic tendency), knowing that the Ashcroft memo assures them of executive-branch backing at the highest level.
- 昨天有一个朱海洋的中文主页出现,其中提到了他的经济问题。但校方提醒说,这个有着朱海洋脸部特写照和说他因为炒股失利而想杀人或自杀的网页是“完全虚假的”。
BBC 中文网 | 国际新闻 | 穆加贝女儿“化名在香港上大学”
- 穆加贝的妻子格蕾斯最近在香港一家豪华酒店外殴打一名摄影记者。母亲的"曝光"导致波纳行踪"露馅"。
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