Obama tells US of his radical new agenda | World news | The Observer
- The delivery of Barack Obama's first weekly presidential address to the nation yesterday was hi-tech, but his message was distinctly resonant of the 1930s.
- Speaking to the nation - in a YouTube version of Roosevelt's fireside chats on radio - Obama told Americans that the nation faced disaster on an almost unprecedented scale. He said the economy could end up $1 trillion short of its capacity, translating into a disastrous $12,000 loss for an average family. "We could lose a generation of potential, as more young Americans are forced to forgo college dreams or the chance to train for the jobs of the future," Obama said in the five-minute address. "In short, if we do not act boldly and swiftly, a bad situation could become dramatically worse."
China Digital Times » Video: On the Frontlines: Doing Business in China
Global Voices 简体中文 » 日本:毕业新鲜人被企业拒之门外
- 也许,「就职冰河期」这个曾风靡一时的热门语,会再度复活。。
Twitter Raising New Cash At $250 Million Valuation
- Rumor is Twitter hit up more than a few venture firms to pitch the $250 million valuation, and got more than one “no.” But someone’s bit, perhaps encouraged by Twitter’s breakneck growth and the interest from Facebook. That means Twitter gets a new cash injection and time to figure out its business model at an even more leisurely pace.
- NASA宇航员、远征18(Expedition 18)指挥官Mike Fincke上校最近用35毫米高清摄像机拍摄了国际空间站内部视频。目前视频已发布在YouTube上,由于时间限制,视频分割成4段,总长度约36分钟,以下分别为视频一,二,三,四。
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.