
SocialPipeline 01/25/2009 (a.m.)

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    • A picture named born.gif
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    • 昨天快到中午的时候收到一个短信,服务器监控系统自从使用几个月以来破天荒地第一次发短信提醒我线路可能出现问题。马上试图打开自己的博客,失败;ping 到服务器,超时。
    • 行,我不和你计较。加上那人的 QQ 号码,有意思的是,那人的 QQ 签名很有意思:“有事直奔主题,忙!”。于是我留言说明来意,对方效率还不错,一会就发来一个表格,然后抛下一句话:“处理好了留言给我。”
    • 下午 17 点 56 分,易先生告诉我服务器上网通 IP 依然不通。于是我再一次接通机房电话,值班人员说这次清理未备案网站工作本身就是“相关部门”下达的“旨意”,我服务器的网通 IP 要等“相关部门”统一解封了。好吧,我继续忍。
    • 一个搞技术的、一个从事博客系统开发的技术团队的网站,居然可以在没有任何预先通知的情况下被冠以未备案的帽子而直接拔掉服务器网线。这,就是发生在和谐天朝的活生生的事情。
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    • The company announced that the new Verizon Hub phone, which hits
      the market on Feb. 1, will feature a touch screens much like
      Apple’s mega-popular iPhone. Plus, the high-tech home phone will
      work using any wireless broadband connection, including DSL or the
      high speed Internet services typically provided by cable
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    • It does a great job of discussing the often surprising results of recent scientific studies but a commentary on Neuroanthropology really nails why it misses the mark.
    • One can imagine an article with the title, ‘What do diners want?’, which bemoaned the fickleness and impenetrable complexity of culinary preferences: Sometimes they want steak, and sometimes just a salad. Sometimes they put extra salt on the meal, and sometimes they ask for ketchup. One orders fish, another chicken, another ham and eggs.
    • One can imagine an article with the title, ‘What do diners want?’, which bemoaned the fickleness and impenetrable complexity of culinary preferences: Sometimes they want steak, and sometimes just a salad. Sometimes they put extra salt on the meal, and sometimes they ask for ketchup. One orders fish, another chicken, another ham and eggs.
    • Rather ironically, the NYT article celebrates the complexity of female sexuality but ultimately suggests that it's the one-dimensional question that's important when this is nothing but a caricature of human nature.
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    • AWW

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  • tags: Herdict, DigitalNomads, GFW

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    • 该报驻上海记者发回报道指出:作为“世界工厂”的中国,在世界经济萧条的大背景下,其经济承受比原先估计还要大的压力。根据22日公布的中国2008经济统计报告,中国国家统计局表示,受全球金融危机连累,中国去年最后一季度的增长率仅有百分之6,8,第二度连续性下滑。经济专家认为,中国今年第一季度的情况也不会好转。该篇文章分析,中国经济增长减弱,相当大的程度受累于出口大幅降低。西方国家的经济停滞不前,自然大量减少对中国产品的订单。例如去年12月份做的全年外贸统计,中国出口下降了百分之2,8。由此连带的严重后果,即是中国工业生产减产,造成大量的失业人口。文章最后写道,因此,去年11月时,中国总理温家宝推出为期两年的振兴经济计划,也就是到2010年,中国政府将准备4万亿元人民币投资到经济领域,并从中拿出8千5百亿作为创立国民健康保险的准备金。所以,中国今年经济的重点,当然还是要保证高速度的发展,因为中国需要健康的经济体制来保障社会稳定。

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