Six Images of Nano-scale Worlds: Scientific American
Exercise and your brain: Why working out may help memory: Scientific American Blog
- Glucose metabolism naturally slows with age, and memory begins to decline in our 30s, says co-author Scott Small, an associate professor of neurology at Columbia University Medical Center in New York. The new study suggests a possible association between the two, because elevated blood sugar appears to damage the dentate gyrus, Small says.
The Image Fulgurator Is A Device For Physically Manipulating Photographs. - #17773 - NOTCOT.ORG
Android netbooks on their way, likely by 2010 » VentureBeat
- Here’s the significance: Imagine the billion dollar market at stake here if Google can make good on this vision. Netbooks are basically small-scale PCs. For Silicon Valley myriad of software companies, it means a well-backed, open operating system that is open and ripe for exploitation for building upon. Now think of Chrome, Google’s web browser, and the richness it allows developers to build into the browser’s relationship with the desktop — all of this could usher in a new wave of more sophisticated web applications, cheaper and more dynamic to use. Ramifications abound: What does it mean for the stock price of Microsoft? Microsoft currently owns the vast majority of the desktop operating system market share? In recent weeks, Microsoft’s Steve Ballmer repeatedly dismissed Android as competition to Windows Mobile.
- The advantage of the ARM laptops will be following:
- Much longer battery life, probably 15-20 hours with the correct screen technology (Pixel Qi)
- Cheaper then Intel Atom netbooks. Probably starting below $200, pointing towards $100 per laptop for the cheapest entry level 7" models.
- Instant-on and some faster nearly instant loading applications. Better and faster integration of certain tasks such as waking up on HSDPA on incoming IM, VOIP, Email calls and other pings.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.