- 从诞生之日起,法国南部的普罗旺斯(Provence)就谨慎地保守着她的秘密,直到英国人彼得·梅尔的到来,普罗旺斯许久以来独特生活风格的面纱才渐渐揭开。在梅尔的笔下“普罗旺斯”已不再是一个单纯的地域名称,更代表了一种简单无忧、轻松慵懒的生活方式;一种宠辱不惊,看庭前花开花落;去留无意,望天上云卷云舒的闲适意境。
How your friends' friends can affect your mood - life - 30 December 2008 - New Scientist
How your friends' friends can affect your mood - life - 30 December 2008 - New Scientist
Mind Hacks: Meditation and the neuroscience of inner peace
- Scientists are researching, for example, what elements of meditation may help manage stress and improve memory. How breathing and meditation techniques can contribute to health and wellness. For example, my lab is now conducting a study where 15 older adults with memory problems are practicing Kirtan Kriya meditation during 8 weeks, and we have found very promising preliminary outcomes in terms of the impact on brain function. This work is being funded by the Alzheimer's Research and Prevention Foundation, but we have submitted a grant request to the National Institute of Health as well.
- 很抱歉,我面试人的时候,同等条件,党员淘汰
- 徐友渔,1977届四川师范大学数学系本科生,1982年毕业于中国社会科学院研究生院,获哲学硕士学位,现为中国社会科学院哲学研究所研究员。曾在牛津大学、哈佛大学等作访问学者,在瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学和法国社会科学高等研究院任客座教授。发表《“哥白尼式”的革命》、《形形色色的造反》、《告别20世纪》、《不懈的精神追求》等著作10余部。
- 过了两天,有朋友告诉我,上面已经对零八宪章作出定性,说是国内敌对势力勾结海外民运的活动,图谋颠覆政权。这些天来,不断有消息称,全国各地都有签名者被警方以涉嫌颠覆国家政权的罪名被传唤。
The Promise Still Holds: 2009 and techno-optimism
There are ideals in the air and technology people can be optimistic types - will they translate to the mass?
Sharism: A Mind Revolution - Isaac Mao
http://freesouls.cc/essays/07-isaac-mao-sharism.htmlA response to a project:
http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/12/31/charles_eicher_vanity_publishing/Creative Commons
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_Commons6 survival tips to prepare for a tough 2009: time-wasters will become life-savers
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.