Ten extinct beasts that could walk the Earth again - life - 07 January 2009 - New Scientist
- THE recipe for making any creature is written in its DNA. So last November, when geneticists published the near-complete DNA sequence of the long-extinct woolly mammoth, there was much speculation about whether we could bring this behemoth back to life.
- 使用自己的独立域名,永远不要使用中国境内的域名注册提供商。
- 使用能绑定自己的域名的blog服务提供商,不使用*.sohu, *.sina的那些不受你控制但轻松可以被他们控制的服务。
- 总是备份自己的数据到GFW管辖范围外的服务提供商
为了防止GFW和愚昧的审查机制让自己辛苦写的文章付之东流,我过去曾将建议过关于安全开设独立域名个人站点的一些看法, 我觉得那篇文章的建议仍然应该是合理的,此外:
Breaking News: OLPC Just Got Gutted, 50% Staff Gone! - One Laptop Per Child News
- 50% cut in staff & pay cuts for the remaining staff (Ouch! Who's left then? And can they turn off the lights.)
- A shift to Middle East, Afghanistan and Northwestern Pakistan (Hello donor funding paid to OLPC, not Quanta!)
- Sugar to be spun off (Walter, you want it, take it. We've got Microsoft now.)
- Latin America & Africa to be spun off (You're not buying more laptops, so goodbye.)
- $0 Laptop for LDC's (we'll give stuff away if you donate it to us first!)
Here's the email highlights and my translations:
- For those intersested, here's Negroponte's full email. Read and weep the end of OLPC as we know it.
- The total trade scale of China's e-commerce industry reached CNY1.951 trillion in 2008, increasing over 20% compared with the CNY1.608 trillion in 2007. Of this revenue, e-commerce that targeted individual consumers increased by about 30%. The report further points out that China's e-commerce industry will maintain a rapid growth in the next five years and by 2010 its total trade is expected to reach CNY3.22 trillion.
- 中国作为一个共产党大国,现在勇敢地实事求是地踩出了政治改革的第一步。旧宪法的问题并不是错误,而是空话太多,不解决实际问题,很多地方是挂羊头卖狗肉,08宪章的问题不但是共产党不会同意,就是共产党同意了,也是与中国现在情况脱离太远,无法实现。新09宪章勇敢地面对中国实际情况,发扬说真话的精神,充分照顾共产党的既得利益,是一部具有现实意义的宪章。
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.