
SocialPipeline 01/29/2009 (a.m.)

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    • “我觉得,在现代这个世界,特别是中国考虑它在世界上的孤立,特别是在意识形态上和其他国家有一种潜在的对立,让他放弃也是不太可能的。如果中国是一个民主国家的话,我觉得会更加放松一点,也就是把话说得更明白一点,或者更积极地推动世界的无核发展。另外还有一个朝鲜问题。朝鲜半岛,实际上金日成、金正日发展核武导致了这个地区的紧张局势,而且对中国的国家利益造成了巨大的冲击。这个问题还没有解决。从朝鲜发展核武来看,最大的受害者实际上是北京。因为这个周边地区核武发展起来的话,那谁的敌人多?恐怖分子可能攻击谁?大家都非常清楚。所以说中共在这个问题上,在反核扩散,特别是在朝鲜的问题上,不是特别明显、用力推动,这实际上对中国在地区的影响力和整个国家战略都是不利的。”
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    • Outward remittance (excluding to HSBC Group in mainland China)HK$110
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  • tags: GFW, 和谐, 艺术

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    • In all likelihood, the crew will not have changed it.

      However if they did, never fear. Hold “Control” and “Shift” and while holding, enter “DIPY”. This will reset the sign and reset the password to “DOTS” in the process. You’re in!
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    • Let’s imagine you have 4 people in a network. How many connections are there between these people? Each person can have at most 3 connections, so we can approximate the max size of the connections as 42. In general, the max number of links in a network of size N is approximated by N2.

      The word ‘exponential’, like the word ‘literally’ seems to be losing its meaning. Backing its invocation with a link to Wikipedia doesn’t really help.

  • tags: 粮食, 气温

    • 让我们来看看他们研究对象期内的那些高温天气。2003年,史无前例的高温横扫西欧,5.2万人死亡,小麦和饲料作物也减产三分之一。1972年,乌克兰东南部和俄罗斯西南部的炎夏过时不退,气温比平常高出2到4摄氏度,导致整个苏联小麦和粗粮的产量下降13%,连续两年影响到全球谷物市场。

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
