- 王炳章,1947年12月30日生于中国河北省石家庄市。毕业于北京医学院,曾当过八年的驻院医生,一九七九年到加拿大麦吉尔大学攻读医学哲学博士学位。他一九八二年获医学博士学位,是中国自改革开放后第一位获得医学博士学位的人。
- 二00二年六月,王炳章在越南被中共绑架回国。二00三年二月,王炳章被判无期徒刑,并一直被单独关押在广东韶关监狱中。王玉华介绍说,王炳章的弟弟王炳武于12月25日到监狱看望王炳章。发现由于长达六年多的单独关押,导致王炳章精神状态很差。她说:“他的精神状态非常郁闷。医生也已经证实他得了严重的忧郁症。他得忧郁症的原因是因为他一直单独被关押,无法和任何人接触。这也是中共极其残酷和残忍的一个方面。不要说人是在被单独关押,就连蝼蚁都是群居的生活,这是极为惨无人道的”。
Getting to Know You: The Obama Administration and China - To the Point on KCRW
- When you choose project name, activity or a group of activities, criteria, format and time period you will get a Graph, which can probably tell you a lot…
How to Present While People are Twittering | Pistachio
Life-log.com - Track your time and activity
Confessions of an Aca/Fan: If It Doesn't Spread, It's Dead (Part Six): Spreadable Content
- There's a lot we can learn about how content circulates online by examining the existing literature on how rumors spread in face-to-face communities. Patricia A Turner (1994) has studied the circulation of rumors within the African American community. Turner makes the distinction between rumors, which are informal and temporary constellations of information, and contemporary legends, which are "more solidified rumors" (Turner 1994, p. 5) and maintain a reasonable consistency in narrative content as they are passed. Her description of such rumors bear a striking resemblance to what we've come to think of as Word of Mouth advertising -- testimonial accounts about a product or service -- and the circulation of advertising content itself that now most often characterizes "viral" media.
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