
SocialPipeline 02/19/2009 (a.m.)

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    • Where do big thinkers stand on opening up backlogs of government records? Are media-style RSS feeds the best approach to releasing the information? Could the effort have any downsides for a privacy-sensitive public?
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    • Barack Obama wasn't the only winner in November's presidential election. Thomas Gensemer, whose company Blue State Digital managed Obama's slick online campaign, built his website my.barackobama.com, recruited 13.5 million supporters and raised $500m for the Obama campaign, is also doing very nicely out of the victory. As he arrives in London to open a UK office and try to entice the Labour party into his electronic embrace for the next election, he admits it's a handy "calling card" to have.
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    • 这个经济刺激计划在国会参众两院获得通过,多数党民主党议员几乎全数投了赞成票,而几乎所有的共和党议员都投了反对票。许多共和党议员警告说,这个计划开支过于庞大和浪费,而且不会产生效果。
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    • NASA's STEREO spacecraft will search for objects trapped at the Lagrangian points (Image: Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory / NASA)
  • tags: FMCN

    • I'm not worried about the money. Focus Media has gobs of it, closing out its latest quarter with nearly $3 a share in cash. What's killing me is that Focus Media is starting to take on the strangely haggard and clueless appearance of Joaquin Phoenix on the Letterman show.
    • That was my reaction when I was told about the move during this morning's Rule Breakers analyst meeting. I recommended the stock to subscribers last year, because of Focus Media's reach on 2.6 billion eyeballs. Now I have to wonder how many of China's 1.3 billion citizens need a podiatrist or a foot rub?
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    • 躲猫猫 has something to do with a guy’s death. A guy who stole trees in Yunnan was detained and sent to a detention house of the local police station. Later on, he died in a hospital. The local police station explained that he died while playing 躲猫猫 (hide and seek) with other detainees. Many netizens doubt if this was true. Gradually, 躲猫猫 is becoming popular on the internet.
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    • 刚过去不久的2008年里,九点上大家订阅和推荐了几十万个博客以及数百万篇文章,见证了令人难忘的2008年。我们对大家推荐的文章稍作归纳,借这份九点年度特刊,来一起回望过去的2008。
    • 今天我早起看奥运会的田径比赛,很遗憾的是刘翔因伤退出了比赛。可以想象的是,无论主流媒体把这事粉饰的多么和谐,把国人描绘得多么善解人意,但其实会出现很多的说辞和责骂侮辱,对于刘翔也将面临一个很大的困难,这下不是几个栏在你眼前,是好几亿个栏。对于很多人来说,刘翔应该坚持跑完第二枪,这样才不算临阵脱逃,当然,这是我们多年讲究和赞美“带病坚持上课”是有关的。很多人的意思是,这么多人在看,就算骨折了也要爬到终点,并自作聪明把这...
    • 都觉得,上面的题目太像标题党了。


      正如Peking Duck在2008年10月3日的评论:“他的神奇之处,不在于他全说对了,而在于四年来完全如同他的预测,事情一件接一件地发生。”(Not because it’s necessarily right, but because it’s fascinating to see wher...
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    • 公开信还提到,北京当局最近对境内记者也增加了多项限制,包括中宣部指示有关报道不能就经济问题进行地区间的比较,不准报导四川大地震的灾后重建中的问题等。胡丽云说这对记者采访带来了不便,也损害了老百姓的知情权,“我们也担心在国内的记者,好像在二月份的时候,他们也接到中宣部不同类型的命令,说他们不可以采访这些、采访那些,对他们采访有很多的不方便,感觉到新闻自由受到限制。”
    • 国际记者联会的公开信也对这一条例深表关切,指出,在北京奥运期间很多大陆被采访者遭受很多的阻挠,包括被当地政府骚扰,甚至有的因此入狱,他们担忧新条例不仅是对记者采访权利的损害,而且对被访者也造成危险。
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    • Lisa begins by putting CC into context on the history of computing timeline. Mainframes, PCs, Client/Server and WWW, and Cloud Services. During the CC era, people have multiple devices. Also, we’re seeing touch-based manipulation and other natural user interfaces. And there’s CC, defined as “providing software and computing power over the Internet.” With CC, you can pay as you go, connect all your devices, and provide wider access to “unprecedented computing power.” “But we at Microsoft don’t see it as an either/proposition.” People will want to have a mixed environment.
  • tags: for:Qiwei, Life

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    • 此外,还有《焦点访谈》、《新闻调查》等专题新闻节目也很有意思,那就是在节目里可以看出那些记者、编辑、制片会将一个问题、主题、由头说到怎样的程度,也算他们在广播学院没白学吧。《焦点访谈》说的事儿越来越不焦点了,仿佛是被什么砸了一下焦距再也对不准了。而《新闻调查》里的柴静还不错,经常会问些令受访者尴尬的问题。看她的表情也是似笑非笑,这笑的内涵就丰富起来了。艺术,这就是艺术了。
    • 《春节联欢晚会》是党美学的最好诠释,盛大、喜兴、热闹、高亢。但愈盛大、愈空洞,愈喜兴、愈苍白,愈热闹、愈虚无,愈高亢、愈落寞。那些演员上春晚,要紧张半年,这就是为了通过春晚扩大自己的影响,或许能一举成名。当春晚越来越为人所诟病时,演员们也对春晚有了敬而远之的心思。春晚就像一个万花筒,别看花样不少,不过是那几百个纸片片儿的排列组合而已。而这个最为著名的电视节目的命运,也一定会昭示出CCAV的前途。
    • 而更能体现CCAV作风的是他们的央视调查公司,专门调查收视率的。自己的电视节目,自己搞民调,自己公布,自己为自己的节目评奖。呵呵,这,就是AV的由来了。

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
