Hoax dictionary entries about legendary obscene beasts
Walking In The Air: the amazing art of Li Wei - Telegraph
- 这比那些狂吹牛逼,说西方不行了,世界要靠中国拯救的文章强多了。自身尚且难保,还救别人,真是弥天大谎。
- 在政治上,我们仍然是相对极权的,腐败越来越严重。虽然民主喊了几十年,但连村长都不全是选出来的,“人民”已经沦落成“屁民”,动不动就被斥为“不明真相”。甚至,在互联网发文章都要受到严密的审查,很多文章发不出来。老百姓连说真话的地方都没有,这是一种什么民主模式?它能向世界推广吗?
A Tibetan Migrant Worker in Beijing on Vimeo
- A widowed Tibetan woman from a conservative mountain village defies her father-in-law and insists on enrolling her young son in school. She brings him to Beijing, where she tries to give him to a foreigner so he can get an education. She struggles to support him by illegally selling handicrafts on the street, while evading occasionally violent police.
- 這那是胡同???把胡同的樣兒都忘了。。。! - post by ehhsun
- 下次去北京的酒店就在这里 - post by isaacmao
- 我想要拍slumgod. XD - post by ehhsun
Mindfuck Movies by Matthew Baldwin - The Morning News
- mindfuck movies??對這些movies真是糟蹋。想念“蘇聯”時期的藝術。Sigh - post by ehhsun
- mindfuck? 幸好有GFW。可以免於低俗。Fuck與Rape還有貶義的“Hack”啥區別? - post by ehhsun
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.