- 我的一个同事平时对体育并不关心,但这么多年观看央视的经历使他对“央视定律”深信不疑。这次评选前,他对我说他看好伦敦,其理由就是央视认为伦敦没戏。根据以往的经验,反过来推理肯定成立。评选的结果又一次证明了他的判断是正确的。
Snags in China's new ISBN distribution system
- Although widespread, this practice was technically illegal. The new system, which went into effect at the start of this year, issues book numbers on a per-title basis, eliminating the surplus ISBNs that could be sold off to unlicensed cultural companies. Established relationships between officially-recognized publishers and private book studios were not expected to suffer under the new system, but the prospects for purveyors of inferior-quality and harmful books were not so hot.
- 昨天下午4时55分,网友“ZOLA”在twitter上发布即时消息:“郭建龙来电:钱烈宪正躺在地上手捂住腹部,我要求他们帮助他用手捂住止血,保持冷静,放松呼吸才能增加生存机会。”“没有生命危险,只挨了一刀,郭建龙和徐来的老婆一起去医院,伤口可能有一巴掌长,血流了不少。目前情绪稳定,正送往医院。”郭建龙向本报记者证实时当时电话的内容。
- 昨晚10时25分左右,和菜头接到电话,家属告诉他,手术结束了。胃部被刺了一个小洞,已经修补好了,意识清醒,血压正常。和菜头说,徐来为人低调,也只是一个科学记者,并不会招惹别人,但他的博客上有很多内容是比较有刺激性的,可能有人因为他的博客而与他结怨。
- 上面只是一些肤浅的思考。我期盼凶手很快就能被查出来,并且受到严厉的惩罚。祝愿钱烈宪能够很快康复,并且恢复博客的更新。其实可以考虑让一个匿名团队来更新这个博客。例如GFW Blog的博主们就做得比较好,我到现在都不知道其背后的个人或者团队。请继续保持匿名。
Twitter's Analytical Business Plan - Forbes.com
- Thau says Twitter is developing a range of analytics and metrics products and services built around the information contained in "tweets," the e-mail and text messages that pass through its platform. "We can measure the tweets," he says. "We're trying to figure out what are the appropriate metrics around engagement and how to convey those."
Dissident blogger Xu Lai, aka ProState in Flames, is stabbed in Beijing - Times Online
- A report on the English-language blog Black
and White Cat noted that “Xu Lai may not have the megastar status of Han
Han, but he’s very much an A-list blogger.”
独家专访:赖昌星“自述” - FT中文网 - FTChinese.com
- 赖昌星:我知道。虽然我不认为文华再次出台,就是政府对我立场的改变,但总是一件好事情,对她好,对我也好。
独家专访:赖昌星“自述” - FT中文网 - FTChinese.com
- 归根到底,司法覆核的焦点,已转到赖昌星回国坐牢,是否会受虐待?在之前的司法争议中,有海外异议人士为赖昌星作证,但中方以中国司法改革的进步来证明这些证据已过时。 因此,最近刚抵达加拿大的新闻记者姜维平在中国的坐牢经历,可能会成关键证词,如果赖昌星律师说服其出庭作证,结果就难以预料。
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.