- 对于近期这些支持者众多的大陆时政、评论网站博客在当局“追杀式”关闭及屏蔽的情况下被迫改名换姓、甚至分身藏匿以求存的现象,哈佛大学伯克曼互联网与社会研究中心研究员Isaac Mao 周五接受本台采访时表示,进一步显示了09年中国当局严控互联网的决心:“官方肯定是有针对性地,像是针对牛博网这样,进行清肃,这也是整个一年整肃的开始,除了反低俗之外,肯定是要重点地对一些网站进行这样的压制。 ”
- 为纪念刚刚离世的戈扬女士,回放2002年9月21日“心灵之旅”中秋特别节目:独特的婚礼,奇妙的姻缘。按中国习俗,九十高寿离世乃称“喜丧”;按西方习俗,悼念逝者常忆生前趣事。 故以下节目保持原貌,包括其中喜庆音乐。
GM: A Rough Road in China - BusinessWeek
BBC 中文网 | 港台消息 | 大陆安利顶尖直销商可望一游台湾
- 但是限于两岸各有不同的规定,例如台湾方面规定大陆游客入台人数每日只能有3000人。
Mind Hacks: If It's Difficult to Pronounce, It Must Be Risky
I've just found a short-but-sweet study recently published in Psychological Science that shows that we tend to rate things with difficult to pronounce names as more risky than those with names that we can say more fluently.
India's $10 laptop coming February 3rd, take that Negroponte - Engadget
- Get ready, India's $10 laptop is set for its first unveiling on February 3rd. Ok, so it's not quite $10... $20 actually, but that's far better than the $100 some were estimating. It's also much better than the $200 per OLPC XO deal that Negroponte wanted to reportedly charge the Indian government more than 2 years ago -- an offer rejected by officials with a promise to young Indians to do it better and for less. According to some reports (we can't find anything official), the laptop will feature 2GB of memory, WiFi, fixed Ethernet, expandable memory, and consume just 2 watts of power. The Devil's in the details, they say, but with any luck, India will be swimming in cheap silicon within the next 6 months if the project can keep to schedule... that's a big IF.
Neurobiologist proposes 'The end of sex as we once knew it'
- (PhysOrg.com) -- Women are not from Venus any more than men are from Mars. But even though both sexes are perfectly terrestrial beings, they are not lacking in other differences. And not only in their reproductive organs and behavior, either, but in such unsexy characteristics as the propensity for drug abuse, fine motor control, reaction to stress, moods and many brain structures.
Innovation: Speech prediction software - tech - 03 February 2009 - New Scientist
- It's been dreamed up as a speech-recognition equivalent to the predictive text on cellphones. Mutter a half-considered thought into the microphone and the software will plunder a database to complete half-formed words or sentences - in Japanese, at least.
Teleporter sends ions on long-distance journey - physics-math - 03 February 2009 - New Scientist
- Photons cannot carry quantum states over long distances along an optical fibre without the states being destroyed. The promise of this new process is that it could form the basis of a "quantum repeater" that will enable quantum communication over almost any distance: ion teleporters placed at regular intervals along a fibre could briefly store quantum states before sending them on their way, so no single photon has to travel too far.
Why do the majority of people never get cancer?
- George Klein, Professor Emeritus at the Microbiology and Tumor Biology Center at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, has been teaching and researching since the mid-1940s. In a recent study called “Toward a genetics of cancer resistance” published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Klein highlights evidence of several biological cancer resistance mechanisms that some individuals have that seem to prevent them from developing cancer. Perhaps, Klein says, there are cancer-resistant genotypes that “nip cancer in the bud” and keep most of us healthy.
NASA fashions mountain climbing robot | NetworkWorld.com Community
Genetic roots of synaesthesia unearthed - health - 05 February 2009 - New Scientist
- The regions of our DNA that wire some people to "see" sounds have been discovered. So far, only the general regions within chromosomes have been identified, rather than specific genes, but the work could eventually lead to a genetic test to diagnose the condition before it interferes with a child's education.
China: A Threat to or Threatened by Democracy?
- 下一个疑问是金正日急着要见王家瑞的理由。据日本每日新闻的报道,中国政府日前向周边国家通知了金正日健康状况,根据王家瑞的报告所做的通知说,“金正日的头发显得稀疏了些,但是气色很好,说话方面也没有障碍。左手和左腿的活动很自然,看不出任何健康问题。”
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.