- Kerpoof is meant to be fun, but we're serious about its educational value. There are many ways that elementary and middle school teachers can use Kerpoof to enhance their classroom activities and meet educational standards as well. - post by datruss
- Location: Boulder, CO
CEO: Krista Marks
- post by techieme
China in 2009: a year for surprise | open Democracy News Analysis
FILE Magazine - The Collection - Clouds
FILE Magazine - The Collection - untitled
- 正如来自《京都议定书》(下称“议定书”)的经验,政治家能够通过妥协达到减排目标。既然科学证据表明了气候系统不会妥协,那么就必须根据科学发现来编制和评估气候风险,制定2012年后的协议框架,并与减缓和适应、与生态恢复的政策目标相配合。另一方面,由于气候科学的复杂性和不确定性,此框架也需为最新的科学发现留下可调整的空间。
- 虽然已经是21世纪,可是阿米什人不用电话,不看电视,不坐汽车,不乘飞机,拒绝享受现代科技带来的方便。他们认为,这些先进的通讯和交通工具会减少家人之间的直接交流。米勒先生说: “我们很爱看书。”
- 确实,当一个阿米什人并不容易,不过信仰的力量超过了对物质的欲望。对大多数阿米什人来说,这样的生活也许是别有一番意味在心头。
URI scheme - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- URI schemes are sometimes erroneously referred to as "protocols", or specifically as URI protocols or URL protocols, since most were originally designed to be used with a particular protocol, and often have the same name. The
scheme, for instance, is generally used for interacting with Web resources using HyperText Transfer Protocol. Today, URIs with that scheme are also used for other purposes, such as RDF resource identifiers and XML namespaces, that are not related to the protocol. Furthermore, some URI schemes are not associated with any specific protocol (e.g. "file
") and many others do not use the name of a protocol as their prefix (e.g. "news
Loki Network Project
- Loki Network Project is free VPN service and SSL based free VPN server. It is an opportunity to protect your private data (IP address, e-mail/FTP/HTTP passwords, web-sites visited, uploaded/downloaded files and etc...) and bypass certain Internet access limitations you may have at your location.
郎咸平说:俄罗斯被西方人挖坑 - 背后 - aw98 - 和讯博客
- 但是,当银行团借钱给俄罗斯的时候,他要求抵押。他们要求什么做抵押呢?就用这一种有泡沫的股票做抵押,甚至俄罗斯这些企业当时还认为,这些傻冒,怎么用这么高市盈率的股票做抵押,你们难道不怕有风险吗?他们哪里知道全部上套了。
- 2008年,俄罗斯的财政总收入是9万亿卢布,总支出好像是9.5万亿卢布,还有点小赤字。可是这个9万亿卢布是怎么赚回来的?一定是每桶石油95美元以上才能赚回9万亿。所以2009年如果俄罗斯想通过压缩支出、透过财政盈余来做补贴赎回这些债券的话,他必须得有充足的财源。但油价如果在50美元以下的话,俄罗斯的财政保证是赤字,那么俄罗斯连后续资金都没有了,一刀给你全部斩断。而斩断的结果是俄罗斯永远赎不回75%的股权。也就是说俄罗斯这几年等于白忙了,忙到最后发现是替欧美各国而忙,忙到最后把一切拱手让人。
File:Dent de Vaulion - 360 degree panorama.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
中國維權律師關注組 China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group - 关注当局无理要求北京忆通律师事务所停业半年
- 2月16日,忆通律师事务所收到北京市海淀区司法局的书面通知,指其律师事务所因“尚未取得律师执业证的人员违法执业提供便利的行为”,要求事务所必须在翌日中午十二时前提出申辩意见。第二天律师事务所按照司法局的要求,中午时分由三名事务所的工作人员亲自将陈述意见书递交至海淀区司法局,岂料不足三小时后,司法局派四名人员送来处罚告知听证书,正式宣布忆通律师事务所停业整顿六个月。
- 按照相关规定,律师事务所有权聘请工作人员,李苏滨律师在所里工作理应没有违法。在所里执业的北京律师刘晓原,在17日接受法国国际广播电台的访问时,亦明确表示“其行动之迅速令人感到吃惊,提申辩意见,完全是走过场而已”,他更质疑司法局有没有详阅律师事务所当天中午递交的申辩意见书,才下停业的指令。所以刘律师认为是次风波的个中原委应是与北京律协换届直选有关。
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.