- 研究人员证明中国在进行复种的时候,第二种作物几乎利用不到来自上一次种植的残留的氮,20–50%的氮泄漏到空气和水源中。水稻-小麦系统的定期灌溉导致了大量氮流失(小麦是44%,水稻是36%),而小麦-玉米系统的氮流失主要是通过气态氨的形成和土壤中硝酸盐的浸出造成的(损失分别是19%和25%)。研究人员得出结论说,利用最优氮肥施肥方法(当前氮肥使用量的50—80%)可以在不减少作物产量的前提下防止高浓度的氮污染。
Slashdot | High Tech Misery In China
- "Think you've got a bad job? Think again. You could be making keyboards for IBM, Microsoft, Dell, Lenovo and HP at Meitai Plastic and Electronics, a Chinese hardware factory. Prompted by the release of High Tech Misery in China by a human-rights group, a self-regulating body set up by tech companies will conduct an audit of working conditions at the factory. In return for take-home pay of 41 cents per hour, workers reportedly sit on hard wooden stools for 12-hour shifts, seven days a week. Overtime is mandatory, with workers being given on average two days off per month. While on the production line, workers are not allowed to raise their hands or heads, are given 1.1 seconds to snap each key into place, and are encouraged to 'actively monitor each other' to see if any company rules are being transgressed. They are also monitored by guards. Workers are fined if they break the rules, locked in the factory for four days per week, and sleep in crowded dormitories. Okay, it's not all bad news — they're hiring."
- 8、第八章,蒋经国和金圆券改革。“1979年,台湾《传记文学》杂志一位作者声称,他相信如果不推行金圆券改革,那么,国民党政府现在肯定还留在南京。”
- 9、中国故事,就是一而再,再而三,不断重复的故事。这个千古文明之谜,至今没有破解。
浙大80后学生研制出“隐身衣” 美国杂志上刊登论文_cnBeta 科学探索_cnBeta.COM
- 标题应该是“就读过XX幼儿园的刘若鹏在《科学》杂志上发表了文章”
- 不过有个问题是,使用人数多的话可能会有流量限制,建议自己申请一个Google App站点,点这里下载其源代码,修改app.yaml,然后将其上传到自己的Google App目录下,修改proxy.py或者配置文件,使其指向自己的Google App站点,这样就能避免过多人访问造成的流量问题了。
What to expect this year: Social, cognitive, and physical milestones (ages 3 to 4) | BabyCenter
Announcing the TimesPeople API - Open Blog - NYTimes.com
- Releasing the TimesPeople API (now available) is a big step for us. Back when we first came up with TimesPeople, we were trying to answer the question, “How can we give back to the Social Web?” We realized that we could only represent the user in the context of NYTimes.com. The first step was aggregating a user’s public actions and making it possible to share those activities with other TimesPeople users. This didn’t really “give back” to the social Web, but now the API is available — and that means your TimesPeople data can be syndicated and used all over the Web.
《南方都市报》:瑞星与网监处长联手陷害 微点副总被关11月_Rising 瑞星_cnBeta.COM
- 3年前,一条题为“北京破获全国首例故意传播网络病毒案件”的消息,在北京和地方各大媒体刊出,震惊全国。消息称,“北京东方微点信息技术有限责任公司(以下简称微点公司)在世界首创主动防御病毒软件,打破了对于计算机病毒全世界只能被动防御的局面。然而,该公司在软件研制过程中,违规在互联网上下载、运行多种病毒”,“致使计算机病毒在互联网上大量传播,严重危害网络安全,造成重大经济损失”。
BBC 中文网 | 国际新闻 | 奥巴马批准向阿富汗增兵1.7万人
Agnes Smedley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Agnes Smedley (February 23, 1892 – 6 May 1950) was an American journalist and writer known for her sympathetic chronicling of the Chinese revolution. During World War I she worked in the United States for the independence of India from Great Britain, receiving financial support from the government of Germany, and for many years worked for or with the Comintern, promoting world revolution. She embraced and advocated various issues including women's rights, birth control, and children's welfare. Smedley wrote eight books, mostly based on first hand observation, and articles in many periodicals such as Asia, The New Republic, The Nation, Vogue, and Life.
- 2pm CR Stephen Mackinnon Intrigue and Romance in the 1930s – Agnes Smedley’s Shanghai
- 孔子穷乎陈、蔡之间,藜羹不斟,七日不尝粒,昼寝。颜回索米,得而焚之,几熟。孔子望见颜回攫取其甑中而食之。选间,食熟,谒孔子而进食。孔子佯为不见之。孔子起曰:“今者梦见先君,食洁而后馈。”颜回对曰:“不可。向者煤室入甑中,弃食不详,回攫而饭之。”孔子曰:“所信者目也,而目犹不可信;所恃者心也,而心犹不足恃。弟子记之,知人固不易矣。”(《吕氏春秋·审分览·任数》)
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.