A Conversation with Sophie Marceau - France Today
Harvard GSAS Student Survival Guide
- If you are a visitor from another country, you have a valid driver's license issued by your home country, and your home country is recognized as part of the 1949 UN Convention on Road Traffic, then you may drive private passenger vehicles in Massachusetts for up to one year from the date of your arrival in the U.S.. An International Driver's License is not required, although it may be helpful by providing an English translation of your foreign license.
- 发牌员「小许」: 对, 因为一掷千金的人大有人在, 赌场非常欢迎这些人. 赌场有专门招待特定客源的业务代表, 据我所知, 他们能招揽到被业内称为「大鱼」的最大客源就是来自中国的公费考察团, 因为他们来到美国虽不善于赌博, 但是一掷千金, 花钱面不改色, 所以, 赌场很欢迎这些「大鱼」. 有些赌场会聘用讲华语的专职招待人员, 目的即是对外招揽中国考察团的客人到赌场来玩, 并提供「华语一条龙」服务专门接待.
- 老实说,在今年春晚推波助澜之前,我对“屁精”这个词是没有什么概念的——不是没听说过这个词汇,只是从来没有遇到说这个词的人。我一直以为,人以群分,物以类聚:例如我肯定骂不出“操XX”这样肮脏污秽的国骂,可是赵本山会不会说出来,我就不知道了………
- 同样的例子,儒林外史中还有这样一段:“鲍文卿道:“我方才远远看见你,只疑惑是那一位翰林、科、道老爷错走到我这里来吃茶,原来就是你这老屁精!”当下坐了吃茶。”
- 据说,春晚的编剧都是国内文化界的高手大腕,对春晚的节目也是层层审查、严格把关。但是,纵观历年的春晚小品,却发现大多数都是以撒谎欺骗为包袱,甚至很多都是歌颂所谓善意的谎言,最后的结果是因撒谎欺骗而达到目的,而撒谎者则被赋予高大高尚的英雄形象。
- 以上是在没有查资料的情况下,凭大脑的记忆随便想了几个春晚小品,便能找出这么多以撒谎欺骗为主线的故事。而且没有一个小品对这种现象进行丝毫的抨击,全部都是正面褒扬。难道这就是我们的主旋律吗?这就是我们的核心价值观吗?看来撒谎欺骗已经融入他们的骨髓了,认为这是天经地义、理所当然的,于是不以为耻、反以为荣。
China Digital Times » Nuo Ying (偌盈): Why Do CCTV Take Pride in Deceit?
- It seems that CCTV’s reputation has gone up in flames along with its building. But the recently burned building is not the only reason CCTV is under fire from netizens. Blogger Nuo Ying (偌盈) pointed out a cultural problem reflected in the dramas in the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, the premier television program aired over the recent Lunar New Year’s Eve, translated by CDT’s Linjun Fan:
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.