International Network for Social Network Analysis
Challenges of Activism in the Middle East | Berkman Center
- In this presentation, Esra'a will take us on a tour of her cyber
community, and discuss the challenges of activism in the Middle East,
where speech and information are often tightly controlled; how she and
her colleagues maintain a fierce but respectful dialogue among members
with diverse viewpoints; and what the Internet can bring to the many
religious and ethnic minorities in the region. She'll share how she and
her team of cyber-activists are tackling the region's widespread human
rights issues using Internet and social media tools and platforms. - About StopBadware
- is coordinated by Harvard Law School’s Berkman Center for Internet & Society, and is supported by several prominent technology companies including AOL, Google, Lenovo, PayPal, Trend Micro and VeriSign. Consumer Reports WebWatch serves as an unpaid special advisor. - Google glitch causes confusion
- [Update 12:31] Google has posted an update on their official blog that erroneously states that Google gets its list of URLs from us. This is not accurate. Google generates its own list of badware URLs, and no data that we generate is supposed to affect the warnings in Google’s search listings. We are attempting to work with Google to clarify their statement.
- [Update 2:35] Hopefully this will be the last update, as Google has acknowledged the error, apologized to its customers, and fixed the problem. As many know, we have a strong relationship with Google, which is a sponsor and partner of The mistake in Google’s initial statement, indicating that we supply them with badware data, is a common misperception. We appreciate their follow up efforts in clarifying the relationship on their blog and with the media. Despite today’s glitch, we continue to support Google’s effort to proactively warn users of badware sites, and our experience is that they are committed to doing so as accurately and as fairly as possible.
Detroit Should Get Cracking on its Googlemobile - BusinessWeek
- If Google (GOOG) ran a car company, what would it look like? What lessons of Google's singular success in the Internet age might apply to remaking this, among other failing industries? Would the Googlemobile be the product of stealth and secrecy or openness and collaboration? Could Detroit release cars in beta? Could cars be ad-supported and free? Is there any hope for an industry that traffics in atoms instead of digits? Would a Googley car company even make cars?
Oops! LinkedIn Goes Down, Can’t Get Up
Skype 4.0 for Windows - Download the latest version of Skype and get free computer calls
Klärung in Holocaust-Debatte: Merkel will Klarstellung vom Papst -
- "We are now in the steep part of the exponential trajectory of information technologies in a broad variety of fields, including health, nanotechnology, and artificial intelligence," said Kurzweil. "It is only these accelerating technologies that have the scale to address the major challenges of humanity ranging from energy and the environment, to disease and poverty. With its strong focus on interdisciplinary learning, Singularity University is poised to foster the leaders who will create a uniquely creative and productive future world."
- Speaking on behalf of Google, Chris DiBona, Open Source Program Manager, said, "Google is proud to be a founding Corporate Sponsor for the Singularity University. By focusing on exponentially growing technologies and their ability to address the world's grand challenges, this interdisciplinary institution will fill a critical need."
- I have been teaching the concept of Singularity for awhile now. Freaks people out to tell you the truth. Neat to see the U. is physically just about next door.
Sharon - post by seilts
- I have been teaching the concept of Singularity for awhile now. Freaks people out to tell you the truth. Neat to see the U. is physically just about next door.
- 我非常赞同温总理坚定有力地回击::“这种卑鄙的伎俩,阻挡不了中英两国人民的友谊。人类的进步,世界的和谐,是历史的潮流,是任何力量阻挡不了的。”
- 我不由要说,那“一小撮”英国人实在是太糊涂了,是非不分,善恶不辩,真的是腐朽的资产阶级了,阻碍“人类的进步,世界的和谐”,逆历史潮流而动,是一定要被扫进历史的垃圾堆里去的。
- 说实话,我和很多人一样,认为这些个英国媒体吹捧中国的背后一定暗藏“不可告人”之目的。因为我们很多人都清楚,中国自己的麻烦够多的,自己的未来还在未定中,哪能承担大英帝国的“未来”啊!还有,中国人都清楚,我们为什么储蓄率最高,教育、医疗、房子,这些东西都很贵的,谁也不敢像资本主义国家的人民那样大手大脚花钱啊!指望这些中国人花掉他们手中的“救命钱”,岂不是异想天开?
iStone's Room: 网民揭广告造假 一人百变演多名“专家”
- 帖文称看电视时发现某糖尿病药品广告的医学专家"孙仕友",竟出现在另一纪念钞票广告上,身份变为钱币专家"孙云",又在另外两个广告中化身成中国生物磁学会副会长"张国行"和中国男性健康研究中心主任"吕青"。
- 在达沃斯举行的世界经济论坛已经结束。MarketWatch的华尔街专栏作家大卫•韦德(David Weidner)认为这次国际会议的内容空洞无物,毫无建树。
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.