BrainMaps - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- is an interactive multiresolution next-generation brain atlas that is based on over 20 million megapixels of sub-micron resolution, annotated, scanned images of serial sections of both primate and non-primate brains and that is integrated with a high-speed database for querying and retrieving data about brain structure and function over the internet.
Currently featured are complete brain atlas datasets for various species, including Macaca mulatta, Chlorocebus aethiops, Felis catus, Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus, and Tyto alba.
State of the Twittersphere - Q4 2008 Report
- Taking a page from Technorati and their state of the blogosphere report that reviews survey data from a few hundred bloggers, we're publishing the "State of the Twittersphere" report. This is our first report, for Q4 2008. One thing that is different about this report though is that it is not based on surveys of a few hundred people. It is based on real data pulled from hundreds of thousands of Twitter profiles accessed through the reports generated by Twitter Grader.
- The PB comprises discrete dendritic clusters that intersect
arrangements of parallel fibers. The parallel fibers (ASC) ascend from the
protocerebrum where they receive information from ascending plurisegmental
neurons relaying data from segmented motor neuropils. Subunits in the bridge
(1-8, left, right) send axons to the FB and EB. There, axons terminate in
columnar subunits such that the linear arrangement of elements in the left
half of the bridge overlap the linear arrangement of elements in the right
half. Thus, element 1 left meets axons from 8 right, 2 left from 7 right etc.
This organization may compare the timing of signals carried by ASC fibers
representing left and right leg motors and thus serve to detect left-right
asymmetry. Mutants of Drosophila that show defects in the protocerebral
bridge result in the inability of a fly to properly adjust leg movements during
turns (Wannek and Strauss 1997; Strauss et al., 1995 [J. Neurogenetics 8:125-155)].
The FB and EB also receive fan-shaped terminals of afferent neurons (AFF)
that relay information from multimodal afferents (MM) to the central complex.
It is proposed that these afferents serve to relay the weight of sensory signals
from the left and right sides of sensory fields and thereby contribute to
the strengths of outputs from the central complex carried by efferent neurons
(EFF). These end in the lateral accessory lobe (LAL) where they impinge on
collaterals of descending neurons (DN) that extend to the leg motor.
Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Geneticists generally agree there was mixing in Middle East populations. Nebel et al. (2000) doing Y-chromosome haplotype analysis for patrilineal ancestry of Jews and Palestinian Muslims "revealed a common gene pool for a large portion of Y chromosomes, suggesting a relatively recent common ancestry". The two modal haplotypes that comprise the Palestinian Arab clade were very infrequent among Jews, "reflecting divergence and/or admixture from other populations". Nebel et al. regard their findings in good agreement with historical evidence that suggest that "Part, or perhaps the majority, of the Muslim Arabs in this country descended from local inhabitants, mainly Christians and Jews, who had converted after the Islamic conquest in the seventh century AD... These local inhabitants, in turn, were descendants of the core population that had lived in the area for several centuries, some even since prehistoric times.[195]
- 互联网连续剧《低俗网站名单》已经出到第七季了。自从这一连续剧开播,各个网站草木皆兵,清理所有“一定低俗”和“可能含有低俗”以及“与低俗无关的低俗”的内容。网站们也争先恐后发布了“因低俗内容致广大网友的道歉信”。
- 大老板总是认为,网民没有判断力,容易受资本主义反对势力影响,被极少数不怀好意的歹徒利用。这与秦始皇焚书坑儒有什么分别?
- 每个人都有自己的价值取向,他人不应强行将另一种价值取向凌驾于上。网民有自己的判断力,能判断什么东西应该吸收,在接收的信息足够多后,他能判断信息的真假,能分辨五毛。
- 互联网是中国社会的缩影,愿我们能早日解开思想的束缚,将极少数不怀好意的阻止历史前进的人,根除。
Wikileaks:About/zh - Wikileaks
- Wikileaks不是CIA、MI6、FSB或其他情报代理人的前哨站。 Quite the opposite actually. It's a global group of people with long standing dedication to the idea of improved transparency in institutions, especially government. We think better transparency is at the heart of less corruption and better democracies. By definition spy agencies want to hide information. We want to get it out to the public.
Wikileaks:Cover Names - Wikileaks
Public Cover Names
Wikileaks:About/zh - Wikileaks
- * Partial translation of Wikileaks:About. To further this translation see Translation.
维基解密(Wikileaks)试图成为大规模文档解密与分析的不可追查和不被审查的来源。我们的主要兴趣在于揭露那些仍然在亚洲、前苏联集团、撒哈拉以南非洲与中东地区存在的暴政。同时,对于其他地区所有期望得到帮助的人,维基解密(Wikileaks)也是他们揭露政府和公司不道德行为的好地方。我们的目标是发挥最大的政治影响力。Wikileaks使用与维基百科一样易于使用的界面。我们目前已经从持不同政见者社群和匿名消息源接受了超过120万份文档。 - 是的,从2007年1月开始的。我们认为这是一个对我们工作的赞扬。We were slowly establishing our work and organization, but in response authoritarian elements in the Chinese government moved to censor us, exposing their contempt for basic human rights their fear of the truth.
Change you can download: a billion in secret Congressional reports - Wikileaks
- The 6,780 reports, current as of this month, comprise over 127,000 pages of material on some of the most contentious issues in the nation, from the U.S. relationship with Israel to abortion legislation. Nearly 2,300 of the reports were updated in the last 12 months, while the oldest report goes back to 1990. The release represents the total output of the Congressional Research Service (CRS) electronically available to Congressional offices. The CRS is Congress's analytical agency and has a budget in excess of $100M per year.
MAKE: Blog: Making red wine vinegar and best of CRAFT
Garda Dongdong shows new face of policing - National News, Frontpage - » Du ski au snowboard en 30 secondes » La science est vache » Edgar Mueller maitrise la perspective
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