章文 : 两条“漏网之鱼” - 一五一十部落 | My1510
Howstuffworks "How Your Brain Works"
Gallery :: Life Science :: neuron
- Wireless Internet service is starting to spread among airlines in the United States -- Delta and American have installed it on more than a dozen planes each, and several other carriers are planning to test it.
- Brent Bigler, a financial planner living in Los Angeles, said he paid the $12.95 fee on a recent American Airlines flight to New York, and spent several hours reading e-mail and searching the Internet. When his plane was delayed, he was able to reach a friend to say he would be late for dinner.
Six Ways to Boost Brainpower: Scientific American
Science News, Articles and Information | Scientific American
I used to read this magazine in chinese version while I was an undergraduate student. The articles in the magzine is really amazing and attract me to follow the newest development in science
- The latest science news and science articles - post by ralfpapenkordt
- great place for new ideas! - post by ilia11
- This magazine follows the scientific fashion of spreading the news of recent discoveries to encourage others to follow their pace and improve human science. - post by chanio
- Premier science magazine featuring the latest news and in-depth articles on the science and technology - post by wittyguysuku
- Official website of Scientific American magazine. - post by jdrsantos
- Science and Technology from Scientific American: daily science news and technology news, science trivia, science experts, science newsletters, science shop, science books and more. - post by awicaks
- 有网友告诉我,金使尔康在1月16日发了一篇《前事不忘,后事之师——看西方假民主的虚伪和无耻》博文,文中配发了“八九/六四”事件和杨佳等人的照片。在谈到杨佳案时,除了攻击艾未未外,不指名点姓地攻击我为讼棍。http://s628496.blog.163.com/blog/static/24979942009016114810603/(金先生的博客,在我发此文时为84543,我用十多个博客为他推荐,看能给他增加多少流量)。
- 有意思的是,他竟在博文的后面注明“欢迎朋友拍砖,但口吐脏字者请你远离”。
- 杨佳案不是民事案件,而是一起刑事案件,我唆使谁去告官了呢?我有这么大的能耐挑起一起刑事诉讼吗?我关注杨佳案,杨的家人没有给过利益呀?
- Now thats a surprise! No comments! - post by seanpu2
看不见的西藏~唯色: 反话正说:坚决支持西藏农奴翻身解放做主人!
- 转的这个帖子,是在跟“牛博网”差不多的“德赛公园”(http://www.de-sci.org/blogs/portal.php)上看到的,哦,不需要要翻墙。作者说,听到“西藏百万农奴”已经成了“国家的主人”,决定明天就搬家入藏,立马翻身做“主人”!……作者反话正说,实在有趣。
- 为什么不是西藏解放纪念日,而是农奴翻身日呢?西藏自治区人大副秘书长庞永伯解释说,设立“西藏百万农奴解放纪念日”,就是要让包括藏族在内的全体中华民族永远牢记50年前的“民主改革”,从此“西藏百万农奴”挣脱了旧的封建农奴制度枷锁成为国家的主人。
- 西藏饭动女作家唯色大放厥词说偶们是以“驱逐帝国主义势力为借口闯进西藏”的,事隔五十年后,突然如梦初醒,要设立农奴解放纪念日了。还颠倒黑白地说,那些不明真相的一小撮藏人都是普普通通的僧人、农民和牧民,以及城镇贫民等被解放的“农奴”,而不是当年“旧西藏”的“三大领主” 及其后人。还诬蔑那些过去的上流社会,现在依旧混迹于政协人大。
- 那个黑奴出身的新上任美国总统欧巴马竟然搅和进来,表示美国更应该站出来替西藏的人权说说话。 “我们可以现在就为着西藏人民,说出他们的人权和宗教信仰的自由。”
kazakhstan.neweurasia.net » Friday Photo: Railroad Sketches
Blogging in a Walled Garden « Experiencing E-Learning
- In lieu of a longer post, I'd just note that the retention issues Dan isolates here are in my observation the force that bends teachers in a more progressive direction over a long career (noting that inertia is generally very, very strong in teaching practice). You get down the process of navigating most of your kids through the courses you're assigned to teach, everything seems fine, then at some point you realize it doesn't really stick, and small tweaks don't help. This is when you start understanding how important "less is more" is, question the balance between covering content and things like "habits of mind," see how interdisciplinary work can reinforce and recontextualize important concepts, etc., etc.
It's Culture, Not Morality :: Inside Higher Ed :: Higher Education's Source for News, Views and Jobs
Borderland » Blog Archive » What is Scientifically Based Research?
- Page 1 says that “educators need ways to separate misinformation from genuine knowledge,” and we should be wise consumers of education research to help us “make decisions that guarantee quality instruction.” Looking for the punch line, I continued reading, drawn to riveting passages such as, “Teachers can further strengthen their instruction and protect their students’ valuable time in school by scientifically evaluating claims about teaching methods and recognizing quality research when they see it.” Translation: Good intentions are not enough. Teachers may be misled by educational hucksters. I’ve had those same suspicions myself, but the target population isn’t limited to the teaching profession.
- Progresses by investigating testable problems;
- Yields predictions that could be disproven;
- Is subjected to peer review;
- Allows for criticism and replication by other scientists;
- Is bound by the logic of true experiments.
- We’ve all pretty much become accustomed to the notion that Google is this invincible internet giant which will always be there for us, but it’s not always true. A good example was this weekend’s fiasco, when (due to human error) Google’s search engine reported all web sites on the internet as unsafe.
Darwin Information Typing Architecture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- DITA divides content into small, self-contained topics that can be reused in different deliverables. The extensibility of DITA permits organizations to define specific information structures and still use standard tools to work with them. The ability to define company-specific and even group-specific information architectures enables DITA to support content reuse and reduce information redundancy.
- This model is built on the idea that innovation is about changing paradigms. The model situates innovation between two conventions. Innovations transform old into new. It is a process—a process in which insight inspires change and creates value.
Videoconferencing More Confusing For Decision-makers Than Face-to-face Meetings
- ScienceDaily (Nov. 3, 2008) — Although videoconferencing has become a billion-dollar substitute for flying business people to meetings, it leaves distant participants less likely to make sound judgments about speakers being viewed over a screen, according to a study published in a journal of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS®).
- "Psychologists and neuroscientists are increasingly coming to the conclusion that when we read a story and really understand it, we create a mental simulation of the events described by the story," says Jeffrey M. Zacks, study co-author and director of the Dynamic Cognition Laboratory at Washington University in St. Louis.
- A serialized RSS course is a course that you can subscribe to whenever you want and that will be delivered to you through RSS in the days and weeks that follow. Course content is prepared by a designer and then arranged for delivery over a period of time - serialized - according to your schedule.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.