自从脱离了低俗,我感觉到于丹的水在我的体内激荡 - 柒栖时迹 - 博客大巴
- 高雅如于丹教授,说出“谭盾的水,在我的体内激荡’这样的妙语。
央视火了 09.02.09_艾未未 Ai Weiwei_新浪博客
- 央视新楼“大裤衩”的北配楼“小帐篷”,也就是未来的电视文化中心和超七星级高档酒店,总面积六万平方米,价值在六个亿以上.晚八点二十左右大火,失火为整栋燃烧,火势难以得到控制,凌晨两点仍见明火在燃烧。
TVCC大火新闻专题报导 - 社会化媒体报道实战,新媒体实...
"Woolly Woolly" - T-shirt by Edward Pincombe
BBC 中文网 | 国际新闻 | 奥巴马向公众讲解刺激经济方案
- 美国周五公布了新就业数字,数字显示在一月份工作机会减少了600,000,使失业率上升了7.6%,达到了17年的最高点。
Dalai Lama's Twitter account is a fake • The Register
- The account itself even attracted a staggering 20,000 followers after opening. But visiting his so-called page today, it appears like the 14th Dalai Lama had already blown this sand mandala.
British professor flees Thailand after charge of insulting king | World news | The Guardian
- Giles Ji Ungpakorn, 54, arrived in England at the weekend after being charged under the laws. He had been due to present himself to the police in Bangkok today and could have faced 15 years in jail if found guilty.
China denies censorship, persecuting activists
- Chinese officials denied Monday that the country censors news, telling a U.N. review of China's human rights record that citizens are free to express their opinions in the press without fear of retribution.
- "China's law guarantees citizens freedom of speech and expression," Li Wufeng of China's State Council Information Office said.
- 其实,撒泡尿就能解决问题鸟。。。
[图]breaking news !北京CCTV的新大楼失火,就是那个大裤叉大楼
Rem Koolhaas TVCC building in China on fire - Building
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.