xkcd - A Webcomic - I'm An Idiot
Harads' Tree Hotel By Tham & Videgard Hansson Arkitekts. - #18753 - NOTCOT.ORG
Experience Design: Magic Beans | CONTINUUM
牛博网被关 - 海词快乐英语, 为了兴趣而阅读 - Dict.CN
Imagination and the Meaningful Brain - Google Book Search
- The ultimate goal of the cognitive sciences is to understand how the brain works—how it turns "matter into imagination." In Imagination and the Meaningful Brain, psychoanalyst Arnold Modell claims that subjective human experience must be included in any scientific explanation of how the mind/brain works. Contrary to current attempts to describe mental functioning as a form of computation, his view is that the construction of meaning is not the same as information processing. The intrapsychic complexities of human psychology, as observed through introspection and empathic knowledge of other minds, must be added to the third-person perspective of cognitive psychology and neuroscience.
OLPC to laptop makers: Use our design | Business Tech - CNET News
- Speaking at the TED 2009 conference, OLPC founder Nicholas Negroponte said that the future of the initiative--which set out to put simple, durable, low-cost laptops in the hands of schoolchildren in developing nations--is to become, in essence, more commonplace, to "build something that everyone copies," according to Ethan Zuckerman, blogging from TED.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.