
SocialPipeline 02/17/2009 (p.m.)

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    • Jeff Bezos unveiling Amazon's Kindle 2
    • But unlike the music business - who saw those lost customers head straight to Napster, Kazaa or Gnutella - the average book reader isn't turning to legally dubious sources for their novels, or meeting up with book dealers on street corners to pick up copies of the latest bestseller. If they want to share files, they can get somebody to lend them a copy, or go to a place for sharing this information that's wholly supported by the industry (you might know them as libraries).
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    • Control of information is hugely powerful.
      In the US, the threat is that companies control what I can access for commercial reasons.
      (In China, control is by the government for political reasons.)
      There is a very strong short-term incentive for a company
      to grab control of TV distribution over the Internet
      even though it is against the long-term interests of the industry.
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    • 日本财物大臣中川昭一(Shoichi Nakagawa)上周六在罗马的一个记者会上言语不清,举止困顿。批评者声称他喝醉了。他说由于用酒喝下感冒药才导致这样的结果。
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    • 斯密在《国富论》(The Wealth of Nations)中写到:“一幢住宅本身不会为其住户带来任何收入。”“如果出租给房客,由于房屋本身不会创造什么,房客始终必须用一些其它的收入来支付租金。”因此斯密得出结论,尽管出租一幢房屋,可以为其所有者带来收入,“但人群的总体收入永远不会藉此获得一丁点儿的增加”。(281页)
    • 如此疯狂的信贷膨胀,只有靠斯密称为“纸币的精巧翅膀”的帮助才能实现。(321页)创造足够多的这种纸币需要一个政府,或相当于政府规模的机构,现代的商业银行扮演了这个角色。正如斯密指出的那样:“单由一伙商人组成的政府,或许是所有政府中最糟糕的。”(570页)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
