- 替中國的blogosphere嚴重擔憂。很擔憂。意義價值雙缺,amusement entertainment太足! - post by ehhsun
- 1920年毛泽东先生在《湘江评论》上鼓吹湖南独立,成立“湖南共和国”,这正是魏京生的思想。众所周知,魏京生小时候曾经被江青阿姨抱过(谁认为我造谣的跟我赌钱10000块!),江青阿姨难免灌输一点毛泽东思想给魏京生。所以魏京生的独立思想,实际上是毛泽东思想,是马列主义和中国革命相结合的产物。
- 王昊轩说:“谁把中国的领土弄缺了一块,谁就是中华民族的罪人。”这话明摆着攻击谁呢?他一定看过1950年的中国地图,也一定看过最近的中国地图,一定知道18万平公里的土地是如何从中国跑到缅甸的,也一定知道黑瞎子岛至今还缺了一块。
- 王昊轩说:“ 中国有自己的国情,不适合西方民主。印度民主后分裂了……”
- 王昊轩,你要把中国变成“统一”的殖民地吗?你要煽动颠覆中国国家政权吗?你很喜欢恶毒攻击中国共产党吗?你认为汉人就应该统一,而藏人和维族就应该独立,对吗?
Who Should Be CTO of the USA?
Vint Cerf 24% (497 votes)
Steve Ballmer 8% (156 votes)
Jeff Bezos 21% (428 votes)
Ed Felten 7% (152 votes)
Lawrence Lessig 13% (274 votes)
Julius Genachowski 4% (78 votes)
Other 22% (454 votes)
- 很有幸得到了赞助,能够在年会上进行演讲。届时我将带着我的MacBook,用Keynote演示对Blog的社会化进行阐述。希望有兴趣的朋友可以一起参加这次年会!当然相关文件我会在年会结束之后以Google Docs的形式在这个Blog上分享出来。
- 奥运期间,被功夫网(GFW)重重包围的中国网络被迫凿开了几个小洞,使得已经习惯了戴套爬墙的我们局部享受到了一点直通车的快感。不过,随着奥运后时代的到来,功夫网终于恢复元气,东山再起
- 某主妇养小鸡十只,公母各半。她预备将母鸡养大留着生蛋,公鸡则养到一百天就陆续杀以佐餐。天天早晨她拿米喂鸡。到第一百天的早晨,其中的一只公鸡正在想:“第一天早晨有米吃,第二天早晨有米吃,……第九十九天早晨有米吃,所以今天,第一百天的早晨,一定有米吃。”这时,该主妇来了,正好把这只公鸡抓去杀了。这只公鸡在第一百天的早晨不但没有吃着米,反而被杀了,虽然它已有九十九天吃米的经验,但不能证明第一百天一定有米吃。
Thinking of Google and Others as an Autonomous Smart Superorganism
- Organisms can be smart without being conscious. A rat is smart, but we presume, without much self-awareness. If the One Machine was as unconsciously smart as a rat, we would expect it to follow the strategies a clever animal would pursue. It would seek sources of energy, it would gather as many other resources it could find, maybe even hoard them. It would look for safe, secure shelter. It would steal anything it needed to grow. It would fend off attempts to kill it. (...)
- "The problem with Skype is that they did more than what people
expected. They over-satisfied the government," said Isaac Mao, one of
China's earliest and best known bloggers.
China should free dissident Hu Jia - Los Angeles Times
- Apparently we missed that page of the international rule book. We do recall Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, though. That's the portion of the United Nations' seminal 1948 document that states: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."
- If Chinese leaders are tired of all the international attention being given to Hu, there's a better solution than high dudgeon from the Foreign Ministry: They could set him free.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.