Wireless soil sensors to help farmers
Mind Hacks: The beauty algorithm and coding for the brain
Data-Driven Enhancement of Facial Attractiveness
Mind Hacks: The science of shrinking human heads
- The victim of the revenge raid is not necessarily the perpetrator of the last attack. The new target is picked out by the shaman while under the influence of a hallucinogenic beverage called natéma (apparently a type of ayahuasca).
- Interestingly, once made, the heads are usually discarded as the significance lies in the process rather than the product.
Video Demonstration: How to Tie a Bowline Knot
- Unless you're a sailor or a Girl or Boy Scout, you've probably never heard of a bowline. But this super-useful knot creates a loop that's strong enough to put around someone's waist and pull them out of the water, or hold down heavy objects, and it's very easily undone. Hit the play button above to learn how to tie a bowline using an easy-to-remember bunny metaphor. Any knot nerds out there put the bowline to good use in regular everyday life? Any other knots you know and love? 'Fess up in the comments.
resilient的英语解释词典意思 - Dict.CN 海词
- resilient
- (白)再说老毛自从和江青好了以后,整天暖窑热炕不出门。一连几天政治局委员见不了面。这一天太阳都照得垴畔上了,还不见老毛来开会。朱德就约上刘少奇,说咱看看究竟是怎么回事嘛?全中国都等他一个人呢,他就不管了?两个来到老毛的院前,把耳朵竖起一听,朱德说,那敢好像吃螃蟹了吗?刘少奇说,你怎知道是吃螃蟹了?不吃螃蟹为什么说,扳腿,扳腿?又听了一会,觉得还是不对,刘少奇说,吃螃蟹了,我看是吃洋芋擦擦了,朱德说,你怎知道是吃洋芋擦擦呢?不吃洋芋擦擦,江青怎么说,擦给下,擦给下!这两个越看越上劲,没发现背后有人拍了一打,说,看什么!两个慌忙转身,一看是周副主席,就不好意思,说我们也是关心主席,怕太劳累影响大局嘛。周副主席就批评他们,太不像话!你看人家小平就没来嘛?这两个一听说小平没来,就得了个脱笑,眼睛笑眯眯地都盯住前面,周副主席一转身没要紧,看见一个人正往这边动。
- 这一条款的内容,明确规定了“只有违反法律、法规的规定”的无照经营行为才是法律所禁止的。换句话说,如果法律法规没有规定某些经营形式或行业必须办照,那么按照“法无禁止即合法”的民商事原则,无照经营就是允许的。
- Beijing (PTI): Five children were killed and two injured when a tower crane crashed on Friday in a kindergarten in a east Chinese province. A roof of the school building was severely damaged when the crane at a construction site collapsed on it. There were about hundred students in the kindergarten at the time of the accident, the official Xinhua news agency reported.
IgnitePhilly -- Five Minutes To Communicate - Practical Theory
SocialPipeline 10/12/2008 (a.m.)
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