- The idea uses a thin layer of metal drilled with nanoscale holes, laid onto the surface being tested. When the perforated plate is zapped with laser light, the surface plasmons that form emit light with a frequency related to the materials touching the plate. A sensitive light detector is needed to measure the frequency of light given off.
- Mark Zuckerberg im WE-livestream!
Chinese Dissident Fingered For Nobel Peace Prize | Newsweek International Edition | Newsweek.com
- So why Hu? He's popular among European activists for a November 2007 Webcam address to EU parliamentarians—shortly before his arrest—that criticized Beijing's suppressive policies. Whether the Nobel committee risks antagonizing Beijing will be revealed on Oct. 10 in Oslo.
- 比如,在拳击81公斤级比赛中,中国拳手张小平打败了爱尔兰拳手肯尼·伊根获得金牌,央视解说员韩乔生居然亢奋地说:"我们的张小平把对手打得找不着北了!""打出了中国男人的威风,我们用拳头说话,在力量对抗中一样有智慧,一样有力量,创造了神话:中国在腾飞,中国龙在腾飞!"
中文独立媒体「文摘」: 刘路:政府当流着什么样的“道德血液”?
- 中国政府的当家人温家宝总理最近在联合国发言中针对毒奶粉事件称:企业家应该流淌着道德的血液。老路对这位最能作秀的总理的言论颇觉滑稽、恶心。温家宝的言论,让我们如同看到在一起图财害命的共同犯罪中,甲罪犯谴责罪犯乙没有道德良知一样。在这次公共事件中,温政府作为共犯,它有什么权力责问其同案的血液中的道德含量?
SocialPipeline 10/05/2008 (p.m.)
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